Chapter 22

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"And that is?"

It was silent as the Upa stood over him as everyone had stopped talking in order to hear what was being said. It wasn't often that something like this happened. Samon was about to speak when suddenly the doors were thrown opened. Because of where they were standing, the now open door blocked their view of who it was. Thinking it was another guard, or, worse yet, Hajime, Samon quickly stood up, brushing himself off. The unknown person walking slowly, and, from the sound of it, seemed to be pushing something that had wheels. 

(Upa's Pov)

Samon had gotten up before I got my answer. Deciding to get back to it later, I turned my attention back to the door. One pair of footsteps accompanied by the sound of rolling wheels could be heard. The person was walking slowly. I let out a huff of impatience. The steps stopped for a second. I heard murmering from the person before the steps resumed. Doctor Okina stepped into view. He seemed to scan the area, looking for someone. He then spotted us. He motioned for us to come to him. Confused but not wanting to be disobedient, me, along with Liang and Samon, walked to the door. He stopped us before we walked in. "Doctor Okina, what's wrong? Is it (y/n)" My heart sped up as my anxiousness grew. It had been two weeks since... that happened. I shivered. We hadn't been allowed to visit her for reasons not told. "I guess you could say that." My eyes widened as my mind thought of the worst possible things. Now worried, I spoke,"What's wrong with her?" I spoke, my voice unintentionally  sharp. He said nothing, just looked behind him and nodded. Deciding to look for myself, I started walking to see but was stopped by Okina. I gave him a glare. He sighed," hold your horses, kid" "I'm not a-" I was cut off by Samon shushing me. I huffed and crossed my arms. He mumbled a 'geeze' before looking behind him. "Come on" A few seconds after that, I hear a weird clicking and clacking noise followed by some weird thumps. It continues for a few seconds before I see a head of (h/c) hair poke out from the door. My mind immediately goes to (y/n). I shake my head. She's in the hospital. 

(Normal Pov)

While the rest of the court yard had lost interest, Samon, Upa, and Liang waited breathlessly. Pretty soon, a face with all too familiar features started to emerge. The group was frozen as Doctor Okina patted her on the back and walked to the side to let them see. Their hearts stopped as their eyes landed on a battered up (y/n). She was holding onto a cane. One of her hands were in a cast and a shoulder was wrapped. Several cuts were visible and there was a large oddly shaped bruise on one cheek. Before anyone could stop them, Liang and Upa ran up to her and embraced her in a fierce hug. (y/n) let out a cry of pain. Remembering that she was badly injured, they let go of her. She dropped the cane and stumbled backwards. you fell backwards but was caught by Okina. Samon was the first to speak, "(Y/n)? I thought you were in bed."

(Your Pov)

I nodded. " I was, but I wanted to come see you guys" Okina walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "She's a persistant one. Wouldn't stop begging to come out. I caved and gave her a cane so she could walk. To conserve as much energy as possible, I pushed her here in a wheelchair." A few 'oooh's" were heard. The next to speak was Liang," What happened to you" I felt another pang of guilt as I answered untruthfully, "I don't know. The last thing I remember was making it to your cell." Everyone shivered at the memory. He spoke again," Why couldn't we come visit?" "Well, I just woke up about three hours ago." He let out another 'oh'. I then turned my attention to Upa, who was slightly turned away from me with his arms crossed. I could see the beginnings of tears in the corner of his eyes and a slight blush on his pale cheeks. My heart wrenched at the sight. I started to walk over to him, leaning on the cane to keep the pressure off of my ankle. I reached him and tapped him on the shoulder. He had no response. Concerned, I spoke, "Upa?"

(normal Pov)

His mouth was turned down into a frown. Then, he spoke, voice slightly quivering," You an idiot, you know that" I knew that this was his way of being worried, so I let him continue. "You're so stupid getting hurt like that. You had training. You can defend yourself. But you were too foolish to. You can't even remember what happened. You... you... you could have died." He turned away, back now towards you. You gave a sad laugh. "What are you laughing about?" He said, still not facing you. "Though every part of your body protested you gently wrapped your arms around him. He swiftly turned to your and hugged your loosely as not to hurt you. You heard Liang walk towards you. He also joined, trying his best not to cause you any more harm. Samon walked over and russled your hair. You laughed and looked up at him, smiling despite the pain. After a few seconds, Samon said, "Alright, guys, lets giver her some space." The obeyed and let go, helping to steady you. You grabbed onto your cane and leaned on it. They all looked at you, happy that you were back. Samon ruined the moment, though. "(y/n), have you been taking Inori's shifts in the underground?" You froze, the smile leaving your face. He had found out. But how?  'maybe the cameras?' you questioned yourself. Mentally face-palming, you scolded yourself for forgetting that detail. 'do they know about Enki' You felt the blood leave your face. Thoughts spun around in your head as Samon waited for a response.

Lol, sorry for the cliff hanger (again) I managed to finish a chapter today, so that's nice. I hope that you've enjoyed this chapter! The next one should be out either 4/29, 4/30, or 4/31. Like I said before, I won't be able to update as often due to the end of year tests at school. I'll try my best tho. I would also like to thank IHatePopUps and Demonbutterflygirl for wishing me luck with testing! There's nothing elso to say. So YEET.

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