Chapter 49

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After swearing to tell the truth, the judge began, "(l/n), (f,n), defending Enki Gokuu, is prosecuting Lui Wei, defended by Junjie Ling, on the terms of controlling Gokuu and forcing him to murder an inmate, along with breaking and entering and aggravated assault." He turned to Wei, "Lui Wei, how do you plead?" You looked at him, only to find him looking back at you, the smuggest smirk on his face. "Innocent" Your blood boiled. 'He controls Enki for years, forces him to kill someone, tries to kill me, and he has the audacity to plead innocent' you thought angrily to yourself. Despite this, you kept a calm exterior. The judge nodded and scribbled something down. He looked back to Lui Wei's lawyer, "You may present your case." He nodded elegantly and made his way to the center of the room, standing in front of the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen, you are all well aware of the council's overwhelming care for people like you. The members of which would never do anything to harm you. In fact, their aim is to protect and better the lives of everyone. The rigorous tests and obstacles potential council members have to go through prevent anyone unsavory from entering such a high position. Even in someone bad somehow got into the council, very unlikely, almost impossible, the other members are always vigilant. They would report anything out of the ordinary, and,-" he turned to you, "-Miss (l/n), was there any reports made." You thought for a second, "Not officially, no." A confused expression crossed his face. You turned to the judge, "Permission to present documents, Your Honer?" he nodded. You let go of Enki's hand from under the table to grab your briefcase. You put it on the table and opened it. You only had to dig for a bit before pulling out a copy of a letter that Li Jing had sent. The guard standing by the judge's desk grabbed it and gave it to the judge. After mumbling to himself while scanning the letter, he looked to you "Li Jing says here that you and Lady four were, 'acting strange', what does she mean by that?" You made eye contact with him before saying, "May I call a witness?" he nodded, "I'll allow it" You stood and turned to the jury. "I would like to call Li Jing to the stand." She stood up from her row and made her way to the stand. You started to ask the pre-planned questions. "Li Jing, what did you mean when you said that Lady 4 and Lui Wei were 'acting strange'?" She cleared her throat and spoke, "Well, they were awfully cold to the other members. He would always cut off the others, not caring about what they thought. And-" She stopped. She was staring at something. You followed her line of vision. In the top left corner of the room on the balcony was a man in formal attire. He had a gun trained on you. You looked to Lui Wei, who gave you a smug grin. 'That bastard.' You knew that there was something Jing knew that Wei didn't want her to say. You quickly formulated a plan. Wie's lawyer snickered at your stumble. "What else was strange about their behavior?" She thought for a moment. "Lui Wei had a very odd absent pattern." "and what do you mean by this?" "He would always leave on the first of every fourth month. Though he did log it in the chart, he never said where he was going. Lady 4 always covered for him." nodded and walked to your briefcase. You pulled out the chart and handed it to the guard who gave it to the judge. "That, your honer, is Lui Wei's absentcy chart. It shows the days when he was at the headquarters and when he was not. As you can see, the first days of January, April, and August he was not there." You looked at Wei, ignoring the gunman. He had a look of shock on his face. You snickered to yourself as you sent the lawyer a smug look. He rolled his eyes. "Yes, this is indeed odd, but what does it have to do with controlling Enki Gokuu? Junji ling said. "If this had jumped out at you, why didn't you report it?" he said, trying to make her look bad. "W-well" She stuttered. She looked at you. Thinking on your feet, you quickly said, "Hey, I'm questioning her right now, not you." He looked at you, then at the judge and walked back. You gave a breath of relief. You had to get his mind off of that question. You knew that is she answered, that man would pull the trigger. You decided to deviate a little. "One of those days that he was absent also happened to be the day that the attack in the Underground prison occurred." The judge nodded, "Tell me about this attack." You looke at Junji Ling. He seemed focused on what you were about to say. 'his mind is off of the question. Good.' "Well, I went into the underground to do my rounds. When I got to Enki's cell, there was a man down there. He attacked though I tried to run. The man used a power that I believe to be Qigong to stop me. Then, he ordered Enki to further the injuries he had already inflicted. He was gone by the time the guards searched down there." "What was this man doing" The Judge asked. "He seemed to be doing something to Enki." Junji laughed. "One, that could have been any man, and two, Enki is a violent criminal who only sees people as stepping stones. Why would anyone be surprised if he would hurt a guard. He had done it before, hasn't he?" you ignored the whispers coming from the jury. "Yes, but that was during the period he was being controlled." He laughed, "How can you be so sure?" You smirked and pulled up the transcript. You gave it to the judge who read it. "As you can see, Enki was less responsive after he had that 'talk' with them. And if you would look at the transcript of the second meeting, you would see that he only responds to Lady 4 and Lui Wei." Junji laughed again,"So, you're saying that my client put some kind of magical spell on Enki and was controlling him?" he said, mocking you. "Something like that." He stopped laughing, confused. "Moving on. Now, Li Jing, did you notice any difference in Enki's behavior after the private talk with Lady 4 and Lui Wei?" "Yes, he didn't respond to anyone besides those two. He became more violent. So much so that we had to call him into a second meeting." You nodded and turned to the jury. "Though Li Jing did see Enki's behavior change, there is someone that saw it first hand. You turned to the judge. "Your honer, I require to call another witness up." He nodded and looked at Junji, who was talking with Wei intently. "does the defendant have any questions for Li Jing?" Too focused on talking to Wei, he mindlessly said no. You smirked and called your next witness. "Would Samon Gokuu please come to the stand?"

Okay so I'm done in time. The trial will continue in the next one, which should be out by either 6/22 or 6/23. I would also like to thank Annabella5296 and WarriorGirl226 for adding my story to their reading lists! Anyways, I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter! So YEET.

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