Chapter 46

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Samon walked in with a cup of (favorite drink), only to see you asleep on the desk. It was very late so this didn't come as a surprise. He was going to take you to a couch or something, but then he had the bright idea to sit down for a few minutes. Long story short, he fell asleep too. 

(timeskip to the morning)

You stirred slightly, the morning sun burning your eyes through your eyelids. You stretched, trying to get rid of the stiff neck that sleeping at your desk gave you. You sat there for a few minutes in a daze, not quite ready to start the day. You saw Samon on the couch sleeping. You decided against waking him up. You looked at the mess of things on your desk. 'I'll have to organize this when I get back' you thought to yourself. All of the information was there. Your case was put onto a slideshow. It's just that the papers and other objects that you planned to use were strewn about. You grabbed your crutches and made your way to the infirmary. If the bandages on your leg weren't changed, there was a greater chance of infection. You wobbled through the doors, plopping down on a bed and waiting for Okina to tend to you. You checked your phone. It was only 6:03. You would be the only one there at this time. After a few minutes, he came and changed your bandages. He gave you another lecture while doing so. After you were done, you went back to your office only to find Samon still sleeping. You rolled your eyes at this and went to your desk. Looking at all of the letters, documents, and objects that lay in a mess on the desk, you started to organize them, placing them in the order that you would use them. After you were done you stood back to look at the now clean desk. 'Just two more days' you thought. You shook off the negative thoughts as Samon woke up. You gave a small smile. "Good morning, sleepyhead. Sleep well?" He nodded, stretching. He mumbled something about coffee before walking out of the room. You went sat back at your desk, looking over everything again. You had memorized the slideshow and had learned your lines by heart, so it didn't take long. After you were finished, you got up and started pacing around. You tried to calm yourself down and decided that you should go on your phone. You didn't have that many apps as you didn't really have time to download any. The first thing you saw was the camera app, so you clicked on it. You swiped through a multitude of pictures, all pertaining to the case. Then, once you swiped past the last of the documents, you came across the first pictures that you took with your phone. Or, should I say, the first pictures that Enki took. You looked at all of the selfies that you two had taken. {(a/n)-If you just want a reader insert, just skip until the next (a/n)} As you were going through them, you came across the one where you kissed him on the cheek. He had a shocked face while you just looked happy. You felt your cheeks heat up as you remembered it. You shook your head. 'no, i can't do this right now. After the case' you told yourself. Even so, your cheeks remained a bit red afterwards. {(a/n)- it's all clear now} You got to the last one. You remembered that you had given him a frame. You also recall that you were planned on printing one out to put in the frame. You had nothing else to do, so you made your way to the printer that was in your office. Since you had to put together everything, it was necessary to have one close. You connected your phone to it and started to choose the ones that you wanted to print. In the end, you couldn't decide so you printed all of them. After a good five minutes, they were all printed. You set them on your desk to let the ink dry. You were about to resume your pacing when Kiji walked in. "Hello darling, how's the case coming?" "It's already done. Everything's organized and ready to go" He smiled, "That's good. Sorry we could't help that much" You shook your head, "No it's fine, it would be too complicated to explain everything anyways." He rolled his eyes and walked to your desk, wanting to look your work over. You thought nothing of it and sat down on the couch, once again scrolling through the pictures of documents. That was until a dramatic gasp was heard. Thinking something was wrong, you looked in his direction. His eyes were wide and his hands were clasped over his mouth. You ran over only to see all of the pictures of you and Enki that you had laid out. The blood drained from your face, thinking that it was all over. {(a/n)- this is for the readers that want x reader. The readers that want inserts start reading at the next (a/n)} That was before Kiji squealed and trapped you in a bear hug. "OHMYGOSHYOUFINALLYFOUNDSOMEONETHISISTHECUTESTSHIPEVEROHMYGOSHWHATKINDOFHOUSEAREYOUTWOGOINGTOLIVEINTOGETHERIHAVETOSTARTPLANNINGTHEWEDDINGWHATAREYOUGOINGTONAMEYOURKIDS" (translation: oh my gosh you finally found someone. This is the cutest ship ever. Oh my gosh what kind of house are you going to live in together? I have to start planing the wedding. What are you two going to name your kids?) You tried to stop him, but he was already gone. He had taken the picture you kissing Enki on the cheek and ran off. You stood there dumbfounded and blushing. You shook it off. You wanted to see Enki so you started to make your way to the cell that he was being held in now. The cell was in a corridor that was empty, so it was rather quiet as you wobbled your way to him. The talisman was still on him, but he was smiling when he saw you. You just stood there, smiling like an idiot. He spoke first, "What are you doing here, I thought you had to work on the case" "I finished it a while ago." "That was fast" "It was easy, I already had everything ready, I just had to organize the information." "I see. Well, I trust your judgement." You giggled. His face then turned serious. " I never properly thanked you for doing all of this. You could have lost everything. You cold have died, you almost did. Thank you for doing all of this for me. You tried something no one else dared to do. You figured it out, and-" You cut him off by doing something that surprised both of you. You kissed him. You pulled back, shocked that you did that. "I-i uumm... I'm s-sorry, Idon't know what came over-" He cut you off by kissing you. Though the bars made it a little difficult, it was sweet and soft. His hands held you gently, making sure not to hurt you. You had tried to put your hands around his neck, but he had to lift you up to do so. It lasted for an all too short moment. A moment that was cut short by a loud 'click'. You jumped and looked to your side to see Kiji standing there, camera in hand and a smirk on his face. Your face went red as Enki set you down. He didn't seem to mind getting caught, as he just looked to the side with a neutral face. You, however, definitely did mind getting caught. You grabbed your crutches and chased after him as fast as you could, which wasn't that fast. He ended up getting away. You let out a frustrated groan as you gave up. You had chased him pretty far. You looked around and realized where you were. Cell 8. They seemed to be just getting back from training. Upa waved and you walked over, still out of breath. "(y/n), are you okay, your face is red" this only made you blush more. You muttered a quiet 'nothing' as you quickly made your way back to your office. {(a/n)- so I guess I'll just make an alternate part for the ones who want a reader insert} That was before Kiji let out a big "YESSS" You looked at him with a confused face. He grabbed a picture off of the desk. "Hey, don't-" He cut you off, "LOOKATYOUMAKINGFRIENDSIMSOPROUDOFYOUYOULOOKSOHAPPYINTHISPICTUREOHMYGOSHIHAVETOGOSHOWTHISTOEVERYONEELSE" there was no stopping him as he ran out of the room, picture in hand. You tried to chase after him, but he was fast and you were on crutches. You ended up bumping into Upa. "Something happen?" he asked. You sighed and shook your head, "Just Kiji being Kiji" he 'ooh'ed. You left after a while of chatting and whent back to your office. {(a/n)- past this point it's for both x reader and reader inserts}

 You fell into your chair and covered your face with your hands. You stayed like that for a while. Then there was a knock at the door.

Lol another cliff hanger. Also I UPDATED LATE AGAIN. Sorry for being such a looser. I also will probably not be updating for the next 3 days as I'm going on a short trip with my fren. I'll try to do something, but don't get your hopes up. I don't know when I'll be able to update so I can't put up the dates. It won't be more than five days. I would also like to thank SugaFree20 for adding me to their reading list! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I hope you all have a nice weekend! So YEET.

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