Chapter 34

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You dragged you bag into your car, throwing it into the passenger's seat. The phone was still buzzing. You sat there, not starting the car, listening to it vibrate over and over. After a few minutes, the guild was too much. You dug through your bag, finding the phone. You turned it all of the way off, not looking at the screen. Giving a sigh of relief at the sound of silence, you put the key in the ignition and drove off. The drive home was filled with guilt-ridden thoughts. Your mind flashed back to the worried texts they sent. You let out a sad chuckle, holding back tears. You didn't want to hurt your friends, but you had to save Enki. You knew for a fact that he didn't do it. He was innocent. 'If I put all of my thoughts into work and Enki,' you thought 'I won't have to think about my frien- them' You knew that this was a bad thing to do. You knew it was not good to do this to people who cared about you. But you had to. For Enki. You let out a determined breath before straightening your posture and clearing your head of all thoughts of them. Though it was very difficult (and not 100% successful), you managed to stop thinking about that and start contemplating the case. You went over what you had in your head. 'Enki is being controlled by someone. This someone's name is probably Liu Wei. This person is using something to control Enki. This something fights harder to take control when mentioned. The man in the black cloak could be the guy. And this guy has been controlling Enki for years if he was the cause of the inmate killed.' You sigh to yourself. 'That's a lot of blank spaces.' There was a lot that you did't know. Things you needed to find out. You had to stop your thoughts as you had to focus on finding your new building. They all looked very similar. You mumbled the numbers to yourself as you passed them. You stopped the car as you came across your number, number (pick one). You parked your car and walked up the stairs to your room. It was still midday. You unlocked your door. Upon entering, you promptly fell on the floor after tripping over a box. "Welp." You said, as you stood up from the floor. You looked around at the boxes scattered around. Letting out a breath, you picked up your phone (the new one) and connected it to the T.V. You put on (Favorite song) as you started to open up the boxes. The first one was the bedding. You took it out and layed it on the bed. You looked at the heap of covers and pillows and decided to make it. After you were done with that, your song was over. You walked back to your phone and put on (another song you like) You took out your uniforms, you neatly put them into one of the two dressers that were against the wall.  You took your shoes to the closet and put them in one of the shoe racks. You took the rest of your outfits and hung them in the closet. Taking your socks out of the case, you threw them into a draw of the dresser that contained your uniforms. You took out your towels and rags and walked to the bathroom. You opened the draws at the bottom of the vanity, only to find a good amount of white, fluffy towels and rags already there. "oh" you said. Your towels looked sad in comparison. You still put them in thought. The only thing left in that suitcase was your makeup. You set it neatly in one of the draws of the vanity. The next suitcase contained the silverware. You lugged that suitcase to the stylish kitchen, only to find, once again, that there was already plates, cups, bowls, and silverware already there. You didn't need any more forks, so you just put that suitcase in the guest bedroom, deciding to deal with it later. After a while of putting up the rest of your random items, you got to the smallest, and most precious, suitcase. You avoided it for as long as possible. You decided to put away all of the rest of the empty suitcases. By put away, I mean you threw them into the guest bedroom. Finally, you walked into the room and sat on the bed. The music had long stopped as you were too into packing up to put on another song. It was silent. You stared at the lone suitcase. You sighed and went to it. You unzipped it gently and slowly, not wanting to look at it's contents. You finally opened it and gazed at what it contained. You took out the necklace from Kiji. It was terribly beautiful. You put it in a draw of the vanity you knew that you would never use. You picked up the knife from Hajime. You frowned and placed it in the draw in the nightstand next to your bed. You always slept with it under your pillow, but you didn't want to deal with that right now. You put the pair of fighting gloves from Samon in the same draw as the necklace. The dog whistle from Kenshior also went in there. You placed Uno's chip, Jyugo's lock picking kit, Nico's poster, and Rock's cook book in one of the draws in your closet, along with Liang's extendable staff. The last two things you placed in the guest bedroom. The picture frame containing Qi's flower and the one most valued by you: the picture of you and Upa laughing together. You shut the door to the spare bedroom, hoping that you wouldn't have to go in there. You were tired already. It was pretty late, though. When you glanced at the clock, it read '9:32' You took a quick shower before putting on your pajamas. You turned the lights off and got into bed. You layed your head down on your pillow, automatically reaching for the knife that was always there. It wasn't. You pulled your hand out and slept in a different position. You soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

So I updated on time. I also updated during school. (I'm a rebel) Anyways, the next one should be out by 5/24, 5/25, or 5/26. Class is almost over, so I have to cut this outro a bit short. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET!

Ps- I finally changed the titles of the chapters, so now they're in order!

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