Chapter 16

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Breakfast went smoothly. You caught up with your friends. Apparently, two days ago, Inori had forgotten to take them to lunch. The scene with him and Samon was apparently really funny, as they were all smiling as they relayed the story to you. Many laughs were shared and many stories were told. The group had barely finished eating (due to the talking) when the bell signifying the end of breakfast sounded. You had to wait for all of the inmates on your corridor to file through the door, so they waited by you. As the last one walked out, you followed behind them. They were very well behaved, so this was the least stressful part of your day. They even kept their talking to a polite volume. After making sure all of the cells had the correct inmates, you walked with them to their cell. "Okay, well I'll see you guys soon!" Liang smiled and replied with a "you better" He placed a hand on your shoulder, knowing that you aren't the one for much physical contact. (yeah, since that has been shown throughout the story *eye roll*) You chuckled as you pulled him into a quick hug. After embracing you for a quick second, he let go with a smile and walked into the cell. You were confused when Qi and Upa didn't follow suit. You gave them a questioning look. "Well, what about me?" Qi said, hands on hips. You didn't give hugs out often, but you would do almost anything for your friends. You rolled your eyes and walked to him. You gave him a quick hug, not unlike the one you gave to Liang. Now Upa was standing there, arms crossed and eyes averted. While he pretended not to like it, he enjoyed it when you gave hugs. To him, they were genuine and comforting. You laughed and walked up to him. Due to you being short, (sorry to the tall readers) you were able to easily wrap your arms around him and pull him close. He didn't resist, even hugging you back this time. Like the other two, he savored the quick hug, happily walking into the cell after. You patted Upa on the head as you always do, him swatting away your hand as he always did. You waved as you walked away, now in a good mood. A bit of extra pep could be seen in your step as you walked to Samon's office. You opened the door to find the monkey eating a popsicle while doing paperwork. You got his attention by saying," Finally awake, sleepy-head?" He huffed and rolled his eyes, going back to his paperwork. You plopped down into a chair and waited for him to give you something to do. You weren't usually assigned to doing rounds as you generally did a things for the other supervisors, mainly Samon, as you were assigned to his building. You had been assigned to many of the other buildings. You weren't moved because you did something wrong, though. You were moved simply because each building's supervisors requested it. This would happen every so often, resulting in you having to leave a few friends behind. You would eventually get back to each building, so you would see them one day. Due to the type of person you are, you didn't make many friends in Kenshirou or Kiji's building. Most of your inmate friends were in Samon and Hajime's building. Despite you still being scared of him, (only a little bit) Hajime and you made a great team, as did you and all of the other supervisors. You knew how to make cell 13 behave for a while. You were snapped out of your thoughts by Samon," Hey, (y/n), I need you to bring these papers to that ugly gorilla in building 13." he said, with some distaste. You rolled your eyes at his grudge, snatching the papers from his hand playfully, still in a good mood. He chuckled at this, turning back to his work. You stuffed the papers in your bag carefully and marched your way to the monorail. The ride was long and silent, as per usual. You saw building 13 in the distance. You smiled thinking of getting to see cell 13 again. While they were trouble makers, you couldn't help but fall into the trap of their friendship. You leaned your head against the window as you reminisced. Pretty soon, it was your stop. You got off and started walking through your shortcut that led you through the market place. Getting an idea, you looked around for the right shops. After picking up a few things, you gathered the bags and walked on.

(time skip to you get to the building)

You fumbled with your bags as you attempted to open the doors. After a few seconds, it was opened. You looked up to see Hajime with his usual scowl (though it seemed to soften when he saw it was you) You smiled nervously as you nodded respectfully. He nodded back as he held the door open to allow you to enter. "So, what brings you here? Finally ready to ditch the monkey?" he asked, smirking. You rolled your eyes with a smile. "No, Hajime. I'm just here to bring some papers." you said, taking the stack out of your bag and handed them to him. He sighed as he took them. "Warden's been giving you lots of paperwork lately?" you ask you both start to walk to his office. He answered with a "Mmhm" He opened the door to his office. You waited at the door as he set the papers down at his desk. From inside you hear," you can come in, ya know that, right?" You mentally slapped yourself as you walked in. He flopped down into his chair. Remembering the bags, you started rummaging through them. He gave you a questioning glance as you walked up to him. You held out a bag of peppermints for him. He let out a breathy chuckle as he took them. (next part will be made up) You knew Hajime had stomach aches. You, being the person you are, wanted to help. Since you can't really help him with cell 13 from Samon's building, you got him peppermints since they're supposed to help with that. Plus he liked them. "Thank you (y/n). I suppose you want to see those idiots in 13, right?" you answered with a "yup" he sighed as he got out of his chair, stashing the peppermints in the top left draw. He led you to the cell (not that you needed it). You stifled a laugh as he startled the boys by yelling at them about something. After he was finished, he walked past you. He nodded at you and you nodded back. You suddenly jumped into the view of cell 13. The all immediately ran to the bars with happy cheers. They were all talking at once. You shushed them. Rock was the first to speak, "(y/n)! Are you finally coming back!?!?" he asked in a hopeful voice. "sadly no, but I did come to visit you!" Several aww's were heard. Uno was the next to speak, "So, got any boyfriends lately?" You fake gasped and slapped him lightly on the head in mock disgust. everyone laughed as he dramatically fell onto the floor clutching his head. Nico Spoke next," (y/n)-chan! I'm so glad your back! Can you watch an episode of (f/a) with me? Pleeeeeeeease!" You patted him on the head as you said, "Sorry, I don't have that much time" he pouted. "Buuuuut, I do have enough time to give you this!" You said as you pulled out the manga book he had told you about. He gasped as he snatched it from your hands. Suddenly, the cell door creaked open, gently bumping against your foot. You looked and saw Jyugo smirking his usual smirk. "Jyugo" You said, holding back a smile. "(y/n)" he said, also emotionless. You both suddenly break and laugh. You walk into the cell and plopped down on the floor. They sat around you. You one of the bags in the middle and started handing their little presents out. Rock's eyes lit up as you gave him a book about different types of food from all over the world. Nico was already reading his new manga. Uno gasped as you pulled out two decks of cards that featured multiple ladies, if ya know what I mean. (not like that, perverts) He thanked you and hurried to open them. Jyugo was never interested in anything you could get at the store, so, you reached into your own bag, bringing out the sketchbook you hadn't used in a while. He smirked knowing what you were going to do. You opened it to the last page you drew. Ripping it out you handed it to him. He smiled a rare smile and uttered a small "thank you" He had always loved your drawings, and since you rarely let anyone see them, he always looked forward to getting small drawings as gifts. This one was him as a chibi standing next to you in your chibi form. You heard a knock on the wall and turned to see Hajime, who was not impressed (but not surprised) to see you in the cell. You waved good-bye to your friends. Just as you were about to walk out, however, you were tackled in a hug by Nico. Who was then tackled hugged by Uno. Who was then tackled hugged by Rock. Jyugo sat on top. You groaned at all the weight. Hajime kicked them off and helped you up. You just laughed as you waved one last time. Hajime escorted you to the door. Nodding politely, you made your way back to your current building. The ride there was long and peaceful. You eventually made it back. You looked at your watch as you walked in the doors. You were surprised to see that it was about a half hour before you would head into the underground. You had put off asking Enki questions, because it seemed to throw him into one of his fits. (You still have the keys to his cell, btw) You decided that it couldn't be put off any longer as you neared cell 8. You still had two bags left, though one contained only one object. You knocked on the wall next to the door. Their heads turned to see you, obviously hiding something behind your back. They all curiously walked up to the bars. Qi was the first to speak, "What do ya got behind your back (y/n)?" he asked, already kind of knowing what was happening, as you had done this before. Not saying anything back,  you opened the door and took a few steps in, bag still behind your back. They all gathered around you. You brought the bag out from behind your back and started rummaging through it. You pulled out a small, covered flower pot. You handed it to Qi. He gasped when he uncovered it. It was a small, (F/c) flower. (lets just pretend that he can't do anything with this kind, okay? Okay.) He smiled excitedly as he went to put it on the window seal. You then rummage further into the bag and pull out a container. As you opened it, the sent of wontons filled the room. You smirked as you handed a shocked Liang his favorite snack. He quickly grabbed it and thanked you, walking off to sit on his bed to eat it. Lastly, you grabbed the last thing out of the bag. Well, things. You pulled out five small envelopes and handed them to him. He smiled, knowing what it was. He gently took them from your hands, bowing with a thank you and walking to put them with the rest. Unknown to most, he collected stamps. You had managed to find five of the ones he was looking for. You locked the cell back and looked at your watch. 'It wouldn't hurt to start fifteen minutes early, would it' you thought to yourself as you started to make your way to the underground prison. 

Dang, 2165 words. (and yes that includes this outro and the ps part) Idk why this one was so long. I promise that the next one will be more eventful. The next part should be out by tomorrow (or today if I feel like it). Any requests or ideas for the Easter special chapter are welcome. Please comment any character that you would like to be included. You could also suggest a situation. (if you want)  Upa, Liang, and Qi are already being included. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Have a great day! So YEET!

ps- I'd also like to thank @candyskullz37, @Demonbutterflygirl, and @kawaii~Queen for voting, commenting, and adding my story to their reading list! It meas a lot and I really appreciate it!

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