Chapter 43

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(timeskip to a while later, after you were patched up)

You sat in an upright position o the hospital bed, stomach churning. You knew that they were coming, you just didn't know when. Your mind was frantic, everything that happened in the past months running through your head. You would have to explain what was happening. The secret couldn't be kept any longer. All you could do was cross your fingers that they would understand. You couldn't help but think that they hated you. You had put them through so much. You hid your face in your hands, trying to get the guilt to go away. After a few moments of silence, footsteps could be heard. With your heart speeding up, you tried to control your breathing. 'Come on, (y/n). You have to tell them.' you thought to yourself. The door opened. You still had your face in your hands. You heard four pairs of footsteps walking towards the bed. Then, they seemed to surround you. Silence. Then, "Little pup?" it was from your right. You reluctantly peaked out from behind your hands to the source of the sound. You saw a shocked looking Kenshiro, his cherry blossom eye trained on you. You lowered your hands to your mouth, covering it. Everyone was still. You tried to speak, but you couldn't. Kiji spoke from the other side of the bed. "You... You're alive!" Him, being the drama queen he was, started balling and being dramatic and such. The others sighed as he went on his speech. Hajime spoke next, voice slightly less harsh than usual. "You know you're going to have to explain everything, right?" You nodded. He sighed, then reached out and ruffled your hair. "You're a odd one, kid" With this, he walked out of the room, probably to go smoke or something. Samon sighed, "We have that guy in custody. He's in a holding cell right now." You nodded. "When you're ready, come to the interrogation room. We'll need some information." You said a timid, "Okay" he walked out the room, Kenshiro tugging the still sobbing Kiji out the room with them. It was quiet again. You looked around the room for the crutches and found them leaning up against the head of the bed. You reached and grabbed them, wincing as a random bruise ached. Turns out that diving behind the couch didn't go so well. You  scooted and let your legs dangle, hissing as your wound was moved. You put the things under your arms and hauled yourself up. It did hurt quite a bit, but the numbing medicine dulled it. You knew where the interrogation room was, only a few doors down. You had only been to the room once. The only thing that you could remember about it was the black walls. You made your way to the room. It was either three or five doors down. You hobbled to the third door. It was a storage unit. You went to the fifth one. It was labeled 'interrogation' 'this must be it' you thought to yourself solemnly. You pushed open the door. The inside had been re-done, as the black walls were now painted a light grey, making the room seem bigger. The only thing that decorated the room was the single lamp that hung from the ceiling along with the black table in the middle of the room. You saw Kiji and Hajime talking lowly in the corner. Samon was looking through some papers and Kenshiro was trying to unlock your phone. They all stopped as you walked in. Samon broke the silence by saying, "take a seat" You obeyed, wincing as you did so. The supervisors gathered around you. There was enough chairs for everyone, though Hajime had chosen to stand. Samon was the first to say something. "(y/n), you have to explain this. The sudden disappearance. That man. The-" You cut him off. "I know. I just ask one thing" Samon looked at you, waiting for your request. "Just let me say it. Don't say anything until the end." He nodded. You took a deep breath, preparing for everything you were about to say. 'It could be over' you thought to yourself 'this could crush my chance of freeing Enki' you shook your head, deciding not to tell any more lies. You started your tale. From the very beginning. (Get ready for a full recap of everything that happened)

"One day, I heard the rumors about Enki Gokuu. I wanted to see if he really existed, so I asked to take Inori's rounds in the underground prison, where I knew he was held. After completing both mine and Inori's rounds, I was disappointed to find that his cell was nowhere to be found. Then, as I was about to leave, he caught my attention by calling me. I walked through the wall of darkness and found him. After a short conversation, I left. Inori then asked me to take his rounds the next day and I agreed. The next day, I was woken up very early by someone who had decided to change the alarm on my phone. I got to work an hour early, so I went into the underground to visit Enki before I had to do my morning rounds. He seemed to be more kind than before. For some reason, I allowed him to braid my hair. I fell asleep and woke up in time for my rounds" {A/n-if you want just reader insert, skip this sentence} You felt your cheeks heat up at the memory. "That same day, when I went back down there for my afternoon rounds, he was struggling. He looked like he was fighting off some invisible force. I reached out to him, but when I touched him, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up against the bars. When he looked at me, his eyes were dilating. When he realized what he was doing, he set me down and apologized. I asked him if he was okay. He never answered, but was talking to me. I left, saying that I had to check in with you. At the mention of your name, his eyes went back to cold ones that he had before. That's how I knew something was wrong. When he was unresponsive, uncaring, and murderous, his pupils were small cold, and hard. But when he was freely talking with me, his pupils were warm, kind, and open. He talked and laughed with me. He acted like a good person. Then, the next day when I went down there again, I found him gripping his head. He was in pain and he was fighting something. This time, when I touched his hand, he calmed down, saying that he was sorry over and over again." You looked around the room. Everyone had confused faces. Samon looked like he was trying to deny what you were saying. You shook your head and went on, "I asked him what was wrong again. This time, he tried to answer. The only thing that he could get out was mumbles then the words 'stop it, i don't want to'. Then, he looked up at me. His eyes belonged to two different people. He was trying to fight something. Right before he snapped, he yelled 'GO' I ran. The next day, Inori asked if I could take his shift again. I agreed. He handed me a key ring and told me to take an inmate from down there to a cell. After I had done that, I went to Enki as I usually did. When I got there, he was facing the corner. I then used the keys to enter his cell." Several gasps were heard around the room, but no body dared to say anything. "He made no attempt at escaping. He only asked me what I was doing there. I responded "helping you" he then asked me to look at him. When I did, he pupils were dilating again, but the settled on the kind ones. He sat in front of me. I put my hands out and he put his against mine. He was calm. After a while, I asked him what was wrong again. He then started to fight off that thing again. He stuttered out a few words. The only thing that I could get out of his words was that someone was controlling him. When I asked who he replied 'Lie Wei' He was about to snap. I hugged him and he calmed down. I left." your heart started beating faster. You would have to tell Samon that you lied to him to get that information. 'no more lies' you told yourself. You took another breath in. "That was when I knew something was wrong. I needed more information. The only way to get the information I needed without arousing suspicion was to get it from you... Samon." He looked at you with a look of betrayal. "But you said that the Warden needed-" You cut him off. " I lied. I betrayed you. I'm sorry" a long moment of silence settled over the room. Samon, now stone faced, said ,"continue" You felt a wave a guilt pass over you. You hoped that he would forgive you. "Thanks to your information, I was able to see that he changed only after his visit with the Council. I..." You stopped. You had to tell them about Li Jing. "I know someone from the Council." Eyes widened around the room. Silence. "Lady 3. Her name is Li Jing. We were friends since childhood. She told me when she got the job. We exchange letters often. She told me in one of her letters that both Lord 5 and Lady 4 were acting off. I asked for the transcripts of Enki's meeting with them. I was delivering the letter that day when you almost found me. The thing is, later that day, I got a response. It was unusually quick. While my letter would have been received, she never responded that quickly. She couldn't. But I brushed it off and opened the letter. It was the transcripts." You looked at the papers that Samon still held in his hands. The familiar black envelope made you realize what it was. "Those are the transcripts." Samon nodded. "If you read them, you would see that he changed right after with his 'conversation' with Lord 5 and Lady 4. In the transcripts was what I figured out to be an absentee chart. It was over several years, starting the year Enki went to the Council. It showed that every fourth month on the first, he would not be present at their headquarters. I noticed that one of the days matched up with the day that-" You cut yourself off. You had forgotten to mention the day that the man first attacked you. That was another lie. You sighed, "Do you remember that day that I got attacked in the underground" Everyone nodded. "I do remember what happened. I remember everything. I was walking to Enki's cell as usual. Then, I heard someone down there with me. I saw that man. I tried to run, but I couldn't. I ended up back at Enki's cell. He used some type of weird power on me. he lifted me up with it. It hurt. A lot. Then, he commanded Enki to hurt me. He seemed to have no choice but to obey. After he was done, the man let me get away. I assume he's the one that cleaned everything up. That's the first time I saw him. That day that he came was the same day that Lord 5 was absent from head quarters. Enki warned me that if I kept investigating, he would kill me. I continued anyways. After I analyzed everything, I came to the conclusion that Liu Wei was Lord 5, and was the one controlling Enki by means of talisman."First, there was silence. Then, everyone in the room realized that the whole thing made sense. "As soon as I figured it out, I heard him in the room. He tried to kill me because I knew too much. I don't know what he was trying to get from doing this, but I know it's not good." Hajime was about to speak, but you cut him off. "There one more thing I'd like to ask." They nodded. "Please. I'm so close to getting him caught. I know it's too much to ask, but if this gets out, I won't be able to continue this. I won't be able to get Liu Wei to justice." You took a breath in. "I won't be able to prove Enki innocent" 

Over 2,000 words. That's a lot. The next one should be out by either 6/10 or 6/11. Hopefully, I'll get it out on time. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this! So YEET.

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