Chapter 8

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(Time skip to back at your apartment)

You plopped down onto your bed. You stayed there and thought about just going to sleep as you were. Deciding against it, you rolled off. You made your way to the bathroom, pajamas in hand. You threw your clothes onto the counter and turned on the water to luke-warm. (scalding hot) You hung your towel on the hook and stripped. You stepped into the bath slowly, trying to get used to the temperature of the water. Once you sat down, you stared at the wall for a few minutes. After a while, you decided to actually wash yourself. A few minutes later, you finished washing the last of the conditioner out of your hair. Deciding to relax for a while, you settled back down into the still rather luke-warm water. (it's still scalding) Sitting there in what seemed like a different universe, your mind began to wander. It raced through a multitude of things: events that happened throughout the day, things you needed to do tomorrow, what you were going to eat. Your thoughts keep wandering until they stop one. Enki. You thought about the way he acted. There seemed to be two versions of him. One was a cold, un-moving, un-caring, being with an almost murderous aurora whose glare could pierce any mans soul. The other was the polar opposite. This one was a lovable, compassionate, loving, gentle giant whose soft gaze could make anyone smile. You thought about when you had walked to his cell and he seemed to be having an attack of some kind. When he noticed you, his eyes were stone cold and un-wavering. You remembered how he had pulled you up against the bars. When it seemed like he realized what he was doing, he changed into the gentle giant you had come to hope to see each time you went visit him. You remembered how he put you down very gently, as if he would break you. You also thought about when you had lied down at his cell (because someone had woken you up way earlier than what should be legal) You remembered how his big fingers had tenderly played with your hair, lulling you gently to sleep. The person you woke up to, however, seemed to be a different one entirely. His hands that had so softly played with your hair were balled into fists. When he turned to face you, his glare was cold again. He hadn't even said goodbye. Sighing, you sank lower into the now warm water. Your mind came up with excuse after excuse trying to answer the question. 'What is the question?'  you thought to yourself. You were trying to find an answer to an unknown question. You forced yourself to stop thinking of answers and to start thinking of a question. 'What's happening to him?' 'Why is this happening? 'Who's doing this to him?' 'Why is there two versions of him?' 'Why is he like this?' 'What happened to him?' Every question you asked yourself didn't seem quite correct. Like all of these questions were ones you did want answered, but they seemed to all be part of a bigger question you couldn't quite put your finger on. Your mind continued to spin. You asked yourself question after question, but you weren't content with any of them. With thoughts still spiraling, you pushed yourself out of the tub. Putting your arms above your head, you stretched for a moment. You saw yourself in the mirror and winked. Stepping out, you almost slipped. Catching the edge of the counter, you steadied yourself. Chuckling at your own clumsiness, you snatched your towel off of it's hook. Drying yourself off, you slipped into your underwear. Looking at the upper-decker-flopper-stopper, you thought about weather to wear it of not. Deciding not to, you yeet the bra into the hamper. You slipped on your (f/c) tank top and pulled on your black shorts. You looked at your brush sitting on the counter. You made a face as you forced yourself to brush your hair. After you had finished torturing your scalp, you picked up your tooth brush and brushed your teeth. You walked out of the bathroom, suddenly feeling cold because of the difference of the steamy air in the bathroom and the normal temperature of the hall. You made your way to the fridge, deciding on some left over spaghetti. Taking the bowl out, you set it down on the table. You got a plate and a fork. After plopping some onto the plate, you popped it into the microwave. As it heated up, you slid down the wall, listening to the comforting hum of the microwave. At the sound of the unnecessarily loud beeping, you took the plate of now warm spaghetti out, pouring on some parmesan cheese. After getting a glass of water, you walked to your bed. You pulled the covers over your bottom half as you ate. Of course, your thoughts went to Enki. There was obviously something wrong with him. But what? That time he had attacked you, it had looked like he was being attacked from some invisible force. You recalled the way he had been gripping his head. He was jerking about. He looked like he was straining extremely hard. His teeth were clenched and his lips were in a grimace. He looked like he was in pain. And you could have sworn that small tear drops at the corner of his eyes. He looked so... so... You sighed as you once again failed to think of a word. After the whole choking thing, he seemed to be completely fine. He was back to that gently giant. You recalled those few seconds you had looked into his eyes. It seemed as if his pupils couldn't decide what they wanted to be. They were going back and forth between big and small, their sizes changing rapidly. They looked like he was on some sort of crazy drug. But when he had seen you, they had settled on the ones you had come to look forward to every day. You smiled at the thought. He could be such a teddy bear sometimes. Looking down at your plate, you realized that it was empty. For once, your mind stopped churning. You could feel exhaustion kicking in. Suddenly too tired to get back up, you put the now empty plate on the nightstand. You turned off the lamp and sank into the softness of your bed. Glancing at the door, you saw light coming through. You realized that you had left the bathroom light on. At least you would have, had you not been more than half way to sleep. Just as you drifted off, Enki's smile flashed through your head. Smiling a small, tired smile, you fell into a peace-full, deep sleep. 

Iol I'm sorry for being such a loser. I forgot to write the next part in time. School sucks. At least I was finally able to get this part out! I'll try to make it up to you by writing more often (like i'm supposed to be) Anyways, hopefully, the next part will be out either 4/7 or 4/8. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So YEET. 

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