Chapter 4

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You breathed heavily as you locked the final door to the underground prison, sliding down it to sit on the floor. So many thoughts were bouncing around in your head. He was real. Inori must have known. He seemed so... so... you let out a frustrated groan as you took your head into your hands. "Something the matter?" your head jerked up at the sound of a voice. Looking up, you saw Samon, most likely on yet another set of rounds. Quickly getting up and brushing yourself off, you nodded. "Okay, well would you take Upa, Liang, and Qi to the game room in building 13? Number 11 requested them." You nodded, pushing whatever happened down there to the back of your mind. "See ya" you said, walking off in the direction of their cell. You saw Samon wave a bit before he turned the corner. You weren't that far away from your destination, so it didn't take long before you reached it. Grabbing at the keys on your belt, you started," Hey guys, we're going to building 13's game room, so be on your best-" You stopped as you opened the door. Qi was holding Upa, who was holding a watering pot over a smol cactus. You sweat-dropped as you made a questioning face. Liang answered your unspoken question," Trash wanted to water the cactus, but Upa wouldn't let him. So they compromised." You nodded slowly as you swung the door open the remainder of the way. gesturing for them to come out, you held the door open. They filed out one by one. Because you weren't terribly strict and it was only the four of you, they didn't walk in a straight line. Qi was walking ahead next to Liang while you tagged along with Upa. Both of you knew that not every moment has to be filled with talking, so you walked there in a comfortable silence. 

Time skip till you get to the game room. 

You huff as you plop onto an over-sized couch. Hajime was a few cushions down. Deciding to be a social person, you got his attention by saying," So, how many times have they escaped today?" He rolled his eyes, taking his cigarette out of his mouth to reply," Seven times, and it's barely past lunch" You give him a sympathetic look as you resumes his smoking. Sitting there with nothing to do brought you back to your thoughts on Enki. He looked and sounded so... serious? You sighed again as you failed to think of a word to describe him. Slouching a bit, you continued to think. If looks could kill... you shivered thinking of the glare he gave you. Had you done something wrong? Was there something else you were supposed to do? Thoughts like this swirled about in your head until you felt someone poke your cheek. You look to your right to see Upa with his head tilted slightly, his usual emotionless stare present. You raised an eyebrow, awaiting a question. "What are you thinking about?" This caught you off guard. Upa hates small talk, so he must actually want to know what you were thinking. Narrowing your eyes a bit in thought, you chose your words carefully. "About something that happened during my rounds in the underground prison." You saw Upa grimaced. He didn't like the idea of you going down into the underground, even with Inori. "What happened?" You thought for another moment before answering his question somewhat truthfully "One of the inmates there tried to grab me" His eyes widen slightly before his usual stoic face replaced it. "Did he hurt you?" He asked seriously. You chuckled and shook your head, assuring him that it was fine. While this wasn't what you were thinking about, it was not a complete lie.


Walking to the next cell, you flipped the page of  your notebook, preparing to ask if the next inmate wanted anything. Before you could get any words out, however, the prisoner grabbed you hair, jerking  it towards him. Your head hit the thick bars with a sickening smack. The prisoner kept at your hair, pulling hard. You quickly reached for the small pocket knife you kept down your boot and stabbed the man's hand. The wound wasn't fatal, but would hurt quite a bit. He let go of your hair with a howl, clutching his hand. You fell with a small thud. You give him an annoyed glare, rubbing the spot on your head gingerly. It wasn't a concussion, just a small bruise. You grabbed your walkie-talkie and called for a medic to treat the man's hand. You watched as they sedated him and carried him off. Turns out he would need a few stitches. You shrugged as the carried him off, continuing on your rout, anticipation making your steps a bit faster. 

End flashback

After a few minutes of persuading, you convinced Upa to join the rest. You slouched further into the couch, giving off a small sigh. Hajime looked over and chuckled. "He's an odd one, isn't he?" you responded with a chuckle and a "yep" After a few minutes of watching the inmates mingle, you went back to your thoughts, thinking of how you could get Inori's shift again without seeming too suspicious. 

Time skip to a few hour later

A multitude of groans were heard as Hajime declared that play time was over. After a few smacks on the head, everyone reluctantly headed out the door, each inmate following their guard. The walk back was relatively quiet, aside from Upa almost blasting Qi for slacking behind. You rolled your eyes as you broke up the fight, laughing lightly at their childish actions. After a few more minutes, you arrived at their cell, bidding them a good evening as you walked away, looking for Inori. The gears in your mind ground together as you thought of a way to get his shift tomorrow without drawing attention to yourself. You were so lost in thought that you bumped into a chest, falling onto the floor with an 'oof' sound. You looked up to see the one you were thinking about. Getting up and brushing yourself off, you nodded your head as you walked on. You were stopped by a hand on your shoulder. "Hey, would you mind taking my shift in the underground tomorrow? I have... something to do." He said, not mentioning what that something was. Probably betting on a race or sleeping. Jumping at the opportunity, you gladly accepted. He mumbled a 'thanks' before walking off. You smile victoriously as you walk to Samon's office to let him know you were signing out for today. You had completed all of your required paperwork quickly while waiting for it to be time to look for Enki. He nodded and said "goodnight" Bowing slightly, you turned and walked out of the door, grabbing the bag you always left in his office. Walking down the hall, bag slung over shoulder, you gave a small, exited smile as you thought about what you were going to do tomorrow. 

Another part done! (surprisingly I didn't procrastinate) I hope you enjoyed reading. The next part should be out by 3/30 or 3/31. So yeet. 

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