Chapter 30

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(fifteen minutes later)

You were still walking down the dimly lit tunnel. You continued waking. After a bit longer, you finally started to see the door. It took about another two minutes before you reached it. The jingling of the keys pierced the silence as you flipped through them. 'there it is' you slid the key into the door. Unlike the one in Building 5, this door didn't creak as it opened. You stepped into your former building and shut the door behind you. Looking around, you realized that you had never seen this part of the underground tunnel before. it was a dead end. Walking forwards, you looked down the lengthy hall of inmates. 'Where am I' you thought, pondering where Enki could be. The inmates down here had always been unusually quiet, so the you were used to the eerie silence by now. You started to remember what happened and shivered. Nervously, you looked to the sides of the hall, where the light didn't reach. 'Could he still be here?' you asked yourself. You stood there for a few seconds, trying to shake the fear off. You shook your head and sighed. You leaned up against the wall. "now where could he be?" You didn't have time to start looking before something grabbed your hand. Almost screaming, you turned around with a small squeak. It was Enki. His large hand had encased your smaller one in it. You mentally face palm as you realized that you had been leaning up against his cell. Still shocked, you look up to his face. It was turned to the side. His eyes were closed. Even when sitting down, he was still taller than you. One hand sat on his lap while the other held your hand. His mouth, which was previously in a stoic line, moved into a pained frown as his face slightly scrunched up. He shut his eyes tighter. Concerned for him, you cautiously walk up to the bars. With your hand still in his, you sat down in front of him. You tried to slip your hand out of his grip. He let you go. He started to draw his hand back, but before he could, you caught it. He turned to you suddenly, confused by your action. You took his hand in both of yours and looked up to him. His eyes, while glossy, showed cautious curiousness. They were the eyes of your friend. The Enki you knew. Tilting your head to the side, you spoke, "What's wrong?" His mouth twisted into a sad smile. He let out a half-harted chuckle. Silence. 


Your concerned eyes didn't leave him.


You held his hand tighter.


He sighed. 


"After all that happened... After what I did... you're still worried about me?" Giving his an of-course-i-do look, you replied ," Why wouldn't I." He let out another breath. "You don't remember what I did to you?" His usually calm voice sounded oddly troubled. You nodded. He spoke again, "So why are you here now. I hurt you. I felt your bones crack. I saw your flesh tear. And I was the one that did it. So why now are you here, worrying for me?" You thought for a moment. "Because I know it wasn't you." His expression turned into one of shock. You saw his eyes dilate. Small, big. Mean, kind. It seems as though the mention of this triggered it. 'wait' You thought. 'what if...' you had a plan. He tried to tug his hand gently away from you, but you pulled him back. "(y/n), let go. If you don't, I might hurt you by accident" Taking in a deep breath, you started your risky plan. Looking him straight in the eyes, you started to speak. "It wasn't you that hurt me. You weren't yourself." His face showed more effort as he tried to suppress what ever it was that was trying to take over. He tugged a little harder. You didn't let go. "(y/n), if you don't-"  "Something's controlling you, isn't it?" you say, deciding to get a bit more aggressive with your accusations. He let out a small groan of effort. He pulled rather hard, trying to get out of your grasp without hurting you. You stumbled, but you stayed strong. "The thing that controls you-" Another sharp tug. Another stumble. "It fights more to take over when it's mentioned, doesn't it" His eyes were shut tight. Despite not being able to see them, you knew they were changing. He let out a strangled "(y/n)" Your heart broke seeing him like this and knowing that you were the cause of it. There was one more thing you needed to test, though. Taking in a deep breath and steadying your feet, you said two words. "Liu Wei" He stopped pulling. You looked at his face. His eyes were stone cold and his mouth was in a scowl. You didn't have any time to react before he suddenly yanked his hand away from you harshly. You fell onto the ground. He glared at you with an emotionless stare. Heart pounding, you stood up shakily. You whispered "goodbye Enki" as you ran off to the door. You quickly un-locked the door and shut it, making sure to hear the small 'click' of the door locking back. Once you heard that, you took off running. You felt your phone buzz. Still running, you took it out and glanced at it. It was an unknown number, but you could tell who it was. It read "hey dollface, I'm coming to check up on you. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Just a heads up" 'crap' you thought as you ran a bit faster. You rushed passed the numerous lanterns illuminating the tunnel that hung on the walls. You saw the door. You made it. After you got a few feet from the steps, you stopped and caught your breath. A few seconds later, the door opens, revealing a smirking Ryota. You stood up straight and pretended that you weren't dying for oxygen. "So I see you're doin well." You nodded. "I got somethin for you." You tilted your head to the side. He waved his hand to someone behind him. Two guards came down the stairs carrying what looked to be a small desk. You raised and eyebrow. Ryota started to speak, " I thought that since you'd be spening most of your time down here, you would want a desk so you can catch up on paperwork and things like that." He said as he stamped out a cigarette. "Thank you" you said with a small bow. He walked up and ruffled your hair. "no problem kitten. See you later." You nodded and he walked off, along with the two guards. You walked to the desk as the door was shut behind them. It was an average desk with a few draws for things, along with a pen holder already filled with pens. You found a few stacks of blank papers in the draws. You let out a breath as you fell into the chair. Thoughts bounced about in your head as you sat there.

There is something I'd like to say. *ahem* THANK YOU FOR 1K VIEWS. LIKE, WUT. I DIDN'T EXPECT TO GET 100 VIEWS, MUCH LESS 1000. okay, now that that's done, I'd like to also say that this means a lot! Thanks for reading whatever you would call this thing! I have some awesome readers! Anyways, The next one should be out by 5/17, 5/18, or 5/19. I would also like to say that I might not be able to update over the weekend because my fren is coming over. (fair warning) Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET.

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