Chapter 3

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"Enki Gokuu" 

At this you felt many ways. Scared, exited, triumphant, etc. You couldn't tell from the way he was facing, but you could almost feel the smirk on his face as you stiffened. He let out a breathy chuckle. The silence was deafening. It seems that all of the other cells were so far away.  (because they were) You saw him move his head slightly upwards, as if lifting his chin with dignity. He had yet to face you. You hesitated for a moment, thinking about what to do. You could either run away or you could stay. The still silence was broken by Enki. "You are hesitating. Just like my brother." This sparked a few questions. The night he killed the inmate, which apparently he did do, what happened? Why and at what did Samon hesitate at? You cocked you head to the side in thought. Your lack of response seemed to get a slight reaction out of him. He turned his head, ever so slightly, towards you. Just enough to peek over his shoulder to peer down at you. He saw an expression that he couldn't place immediately cross your face. What was it? Fear? Realization? Then it hit him. It was an emotion not usually projected towards him. Curiosity. 

(Enki's POV)

Her expressions confused me. It wasn't one of fear, but one of curiosity. Slight wonder. Maybe even a bit of interest. Odd. Usually when one of the pathetic excuses for a guard comes wandering down here and finds me, they are terrified. Their faces go pale and their pupils dilate. Some run. Others scream. A few faint. Pathetic. But her. There was a little fear, but she wasn't terrified of me. Perhaps she didn't hear of what I did. I doubt that. She hesitated before. She still is. Trying to think of a response? Probably. She seems so shy and timid. Once again, a pathetic excuse for a guard. I sigh and turn my head back to face the wall.

(Your POV)

He turned back around. I let out a small sigh. 'Maybe he would have talked had I not taken so long to say something.' Gathering up all of my courage, I asked him the question I had asked all of the other inmates down here. "Do you have any requests" You managed to say without messing up. At this his head tilted minutely to the side. He let out another humorless chuckle.

(Enki's POV)

She is an odd one. I decided that I could spare a few more words on her. "You ask me, the traitor of building 5, weather I want anything?" She hesitated again, though she came back faster than last time. " Of course, doesn't Inori ask you like he's supposed to?" She sighed "Never-mind, that's a dumb question, he probably falls asleep half way through" I felt the sides of my mouth irk up, but something quickly pushed it down. "That is accurate." She chuckled. I raised an eyebrow. This situation seemed to be getting progressively odd. This one even seems slightly at ease in my presence. I push up from the ground slightly to turn a bit in her direction. I looked down at her. (h/l),(h/c) hair. (s/c) skin. I couldn't see her eyes. She was avoiding my gaze

(Your POV)

I froze as he turned half way. I could feeling him looking at me, but I refused to meet his eyes. This turned out to not be that difficult, due to the height difference. He was taller than me, even when sitting on the ground. A shiver wend down my spine. Him observing me and me desperately trying to avoiding his eyes seemed to go on for hours, though in reality it was only a few seconds.  Deciding to speak, I cleared my throat. "I'm sorry about him. If you haven't already noticed, he's a lazy slack-off. I'm actually taking his shift down here today." I bit my lip to stop  from rambling. My heart rate sped up as he leaned down, now at my eye level. It was a bit harder to not look at him now. He seemed to scrutinize me for a few more seconds before the pressure of his glare became too much. My (e/c) eyes met a pair of cold looking green ones. His pupils were small, and seemed to hold a certain hatred. Maybe not for you, but for people in general. His eyes seemed to search mine as he trapped my eyes with his. A scowl was present on his face. I felt my face heat up from the pressure of his gaze. I couldn't take it anymore so I looked away timidly. he made a "hmph" sound and sat back up. 

(Enki's POV)

Her eyes finally met with mine. They were a (dark/light) shade of (e/c). They were wide. There's the fear. She held my gaze for a surprising amount of time before looking away. I leaned back up. I could tell that she was about to walk away. I expected her to just leave. She did yet another weird thing and said one last thing. "Goodbye. Maybe I'll see you again soon" I didn't respond. I saw her nod, probably to herself, and walk off. I listened until I heard her exit the underground. I resumed my previous position of facing the wall. I rested my head on my hand, already starting to ponder this strange girl.

I hope you enjoyed chapter 3! Chapter 4 should be out on either 3/29 or 3/30. So yeet.

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