Chapter 18

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There is some violence shown in this one. (more than in the last one) In my opinion, it isn't that bad, but if you are sensitive to this kind of stuff (being kicked and thrown around, a few broken bones, blood, the word 'kill' is used like once, etc.), I'll try to put a summery at the end. (i don't know if this is even needed, but better safe than sorry)

The first thing you notice is how bad your head hurt. You groaned as you moved it slightly. You winced as you coughed. You pulled your hand up to your now sore throat. You tried to force your eyes open, only succeeding half way. Rubbing your eyes, you slowly pushed yourself up, trying not to move your head too much. Once your back was fully against the wall, you took in your surroundings. After a few seconds of assessment, you concluded that you were in the underground prison. Your head hurt as you tried to remember what happen. You decided to think about it later. You looked to your left: nothing but a long hallway and a few distant cells. You looked to your right: Enki's cell. A flash of his face from before you passed out went through your mind. As weak as you were, you tried to reach out to him. He was facing the corner. You tried to stand up to walk to him. After a few futile attempts, you gave up and decided to crawl instead. Even that proved to be difficult. You practically dragged yourself to his cell. Once you made it, you wrapped your left hand around one of the thick bars. You pulled yourself into a kneeling position. Your other hand was on your knees for support. Your tried to speak. "......" Nothing. You sighed and rested your face against the bars. After a few seconds, you decided to try again. You cleared your throat, wincing at the pain. "Enki" That was all you could croak out. All was silent for a few minutes. It was pierced by your hoarse scream of pain as Enki slammed his hand against the one that was latched onto the bars. Your scream was cut off seconds later as your face, which was previously leaning against the bars, was pulled into the bars then shoved away. You groaned as you fell onto the floor, hurting your shoulder. You rolled onto your back, trying to breath again. You felt a your heart drop as hands wrapped around your left ankle. You tried to resist by pushing your palms against the floor. You let out a yelp of pain and clutched your right shoulder. Your back scraped against the coarse floor as Enki pulled you toward him. You wiggled and writhed, trying to free yourself. You quickly ran out of fuel. Out of breath, you make one final attempt. You raise your eyes to meet with his. As eye contact was made, the pulling stopped. His eyes, however, showed no signs of going back to the soft pair of your friend. You felt his grip slacken. You use this moment to try to yank your foot out of his grasp. You try, but he starts pulling again. You let out another almost silent scream of pain as you heard a sickening 'pop'. You suddenly lifted your right leg and kicked his hand. Surprised at your action, he loosened his grasp. You yelled as you pulled your now dislocated ankle out of his grasp. You scooted back. He just glared at you with an uncaring expression as tears, which had been held back by shock, started streaming down your face. Your breath caught in your throat for a few seconds. He then turned around and sat back down in the corner. You sat there for a few seconds, a horrified expression on your face. Thoughts started screaming in your aching head. The one that came in the loudest was 'get up and get out' You tried to stand, letting out a painful grunt. You fell back on the ground. Pain spread thorough your body. You lugged your broken body to the wall and used all of your strength to heave yourself up. After quite a bit of struggling and a few cries of pain, you were on your feet. Well, as on your feet as you could be. You had to get out. Then, a thought entered your mind. 'what if that man from earlier is still here' You forced that thought out of your head, as you knew that he would most likely go for the kill. Using the wall as support, you took a step. That ankle wasn't the hurt one, but the movement made your body scream in protest. You took a deep breath as you prepared yourself to take another step. The moment you did, you almost crumpled to the ground. You took in another breath. You didn't know if it was your mind playing tricks on you or not (in hind-sight, it was probably the adrenaline pumping through your system) but you swore you heard a sound to your right. Fearing for your life, you limped as fast as you could to the door, which was a good while away. The sound of the blood pumping through you ears seemed to drown out a good bit of the pain. You made it to the stairs. Heart racing, you waddled up the stairs, flailing for the knob. When you caught it, you weakly turned it. You pulled yourself through the door, slamming it shut. You collapsed onto the floor, breathing heavily. After a bit, you forced yourself to sit up. You knew you needed medical attention, fast. You didn't know what was wrong with you, but you knew that at least one bone in your left hand was broken. You were also pretty sure that your ankle wasn't supposed to be that color. You, once again, pulled yourself up, using the wall as a crutch. You started ''walking''. After a few moments, your vision started to go blurry. You blinked hard, trying to keep unconsciousness at bay. The infirmary was on the other side of the building, as was Samon's office. Using the last amount of brain power you had left, you thought about Upa. Cell 8 was pretty close. You could probably make it. He would get help. This was what you had in your head as you started dragging yourself along the wall. No guards were around, which was weird. You stopped for a break and to look at your watch. '4:53' That  explains it. The day guards arrived at 7:00 and the night guard (there was only one due to the tameness of the prisoners) was usually asleep by now. So there was no one. You sighed as you started again. Your ankle and hand was throbbing. Your head ached. Your face hurt. You wanted to give up. You were also getting weirdly sleepy. You could just lay down and sleep until the day guards came. You shook your head (ouch), determined to get to Cell 8. After a few minutes, you could see it. You tripped, scraping your foot. You just noticed that you were still bare foot. You crawled yourself to the cell, weakly wrapping your non-injured hand around the bars. You had to get their attention. Of them all, Upa was the lightest sleeper. If your really tried, you could wake him up. You tried to speak. "......" it only came out as strangled noises. You let your body become limp against the bars. You felt a thick, sickeningly warm liquid fall down your face. You felt the right side of your head. You winced and pulled back a bloody hand. Since when had you been bleeding? Feeling yourself slipping under, you tried again. "uuuu...a" Your throat wouldn't allow any words to be spoken. You slipped further down the bars as your eyelids got heavier. You would be out soon. You mustered up everything you had left. "Upa" you closed your eyes, not quite unconscious yet, but unable to keep them open. You heard the russle of blankets. Followed by a confused but quiet 'what?' You spoke again, even weaker than last time. "upa..." Upon realizing that it was you, he slid off of the bed and padded over to the bars. He gasped as he dropped to his knees, seeing your state. You opened your eyes as much as you could (which wasn't much) He took your head into his hands and spoke in a panicked and concerned voice, " (y/n), what happened? Who did this to you? Are you okay?" Your eyes rolled back into your head as you closed your lids. 

(Upa's Pov)

Blood dripped through my hands as I held her the best I could through the bars. Trying not to panic, I asked questions. Questions I knew she couldn't speak to answer. My heart was racing. I couldn't loose her. Her eyes rolled back into her head.  "Oh, gosh- SAMON. INORI. SOMEONE. WE NEED MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. (Y/N) NEEDS HELP." I turned my head to where a half awake Liang and Qi were. I knew that Qi wasn't exactly a doctor, but it was better than nothing. "QI, GET OVER HERE" startled by both my volume and me calling him by his name instead of trash, he sobered up quickly and ran to my side. His face paled as he saw (y/n). He sat with a black expression. I know that he didn't deal with this kind of stuff and I know that he probably wasn't trained or prepared for seeing something like this, but irrational anger rose up in me. "DON'T JUST SIT THERE, HELP HER" I yelled. I could feel the tears in my eyes. Liang was now behind me, also shocked and scared. After a few seconds, (seconds that felt like years) I hear footsteps approaching. I hoped that it was help. Within a few moments, (y/n) was placed in a neck and back brace and carefully set on a stretcher. She was whisked off. I sat there, both hands limp at my sides. I was covered in blood. (y/n)'s blood. I was shaking, but I couldn't stop. I turned to look see that Liang was in a similar state. Turning my head again, Qi was also in shock. From behind, I feel arms wrap around me. I don't pull away was Liang rests his head on my shoulder. I didn't move as Qi joined in. We sat there, trying to process what happened. 


When you woke up, (very hurt by the earlier encounter with the man) you wanted to make sure that Enki was okay. He ended up breaking your left hand, slamming your face into the bars, dislocating or breaking your left ankle, and hurting your right shoulder along with several other minor injuries. You crawled your way to cell 8 because the infirmary and Samon's office were too far away. Upa, Liang, and Qi watched in horror as medical staff took your broken (but still alive) body away.

So I'm like an hour late. I couldn't think of an idea all day, but I got inspired at night. I'll still try to write another chapter today tho. Also, THERE IS SOMETHING I WOULD LIKE TO SAY! I would like to thank IHatePopUps for voting on my story! I would also like to thank the following people for being awesome:




Little_Shy_Daniel  (Hi fren)

candyskullz37 (Hi fren)

Thanks for following, reading, commenting, and adding my story to your reading lists! (Just wanted to update the list.) So YEET!

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