Chapter 40

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After a long, uneventful day, work was finally over. You hadn't been able to think about the past events due to being given a crap ton of paperwork. Apparently some dude got sick and you were given his paperwork. Anyways, you were at the door, peaking through it to see if anyone was there. 'they know which parking lot i'm in' you thought to yourself nervously. 'they know that i'm running from them, so they'll be ready to give chase.' you leaned up against the door, trying to figure out what to do. You knew that there was a 100% chance that either Samon, Kiji, Hajime, or Kenshiro were out there, if not all of them. They wouldn't give up that easily. 'Crap' you thought to yourself. Just then, Ryota walked up behind you. "Hey doll face, what are ya doin here?" he asked, leaning up against the wall casually. Thinking on your feet, you responded ," My car ran out of gas" He thinks for a second before speaking, "I could give you a ride. We live in the same building, don't we?" You nodded, timidly thanking him for the ride. "No need to thank me, doll." You gave a small smile as you both exited the building. Due to your shortness, (Sorry if you're tall!!!) He towered over you, blocking you from view. You kept in pace with him while making small talk. You nervously looked around, hoping that they won't see you. His car was on the far left side of the lot, a good bit away from where your car was. You gave a sigh of relief as Ryota pointed to a sleek, black jeep. He opened the door for you, You smiled as he helped you in. You were usually against being helped like that, as you were perfectly capable, but you didn't want to be rude. You also wanted to get out of this place asap. He turned on (song of your choice). You continued talking with him as he drove. Though most of your answers were one word, he seemed satisfied. He pulled up to the apartment. "Welp, here we are." he said getting out. He opened your door and helped you out. Due to you being your clumsy self, you almost fell. He helped you up with a laugh. "Careful there, doll face." Though you doubted that they would have followed you, you didn't want to risk it. You thanked him one last time after he said he would drop you off at work tomorrow. He had offered to bring a tank of gas to fill up your car, but you said that you already had someone on it. You walked quickly up the stairs, opening the door to your room and stepping in. You closed and locked the door and saw something on the kitchen counter. On the counter was a black envelope. Just like the envelope that Jing would always reply in. Now focused on getting more information, you quickly opened the letter. Though you were slightly confused at the fact that there was no letter, you shook it off and pulled out the transcripts. You sat down on the couch and started reading. (I'm just ganna refer to them as their numbers. Just to refresh, there's Lord 1, Lord 2, Lady 3-Jing, Lady 4, and Lord 5)

2: Enki Gokuu, your performance in your position is outstanding. 

3: So outstanding, in fact, that you have gained the attention of the Counsel.

1: We admire your strength and skill.

You felt your eyes droop. It was late. Ryota had taken the long way and it was past your usual bed time, and you still had to take a bath and such. You decided to skim through the transcript. You didn't pay much attention until Lord 5 finally spoke. 

5: I require a word with Gokuu in private.

This caught your attention. You remembered that Jing had said something about him being off. 'him and who else' you thought to yourself. 'Lady 4' You remembered that Jing had said Lord 5 and Lady 4 had been rather cruel lately. You read on, now paying close attention. 

4: May I accompany you, Lord 5?

5: Permission granted.

After Lord 5, Lady 4, and Enki re-entered the room, Enki didn't seem as responsive as before. He would only respond to either Lord 5 and Lady 4. Your mind began to swirl as you put the events together. The rest of the transcript had nothing of use. The only thing that caught your attention was 

5: I'll need to see you again, Enki.

That was odd. 'Firstly' you thought to yourself, 'he called Enki by his first name, something that members of the Counsel never do. Secondly, he didn't say that they would need to see them again. He said that he would need to see him again.' You tried to organize your thoughts. Shaking your head, you grabbed the other transcript. It was from the second and final meeting between Enki and the counsel. They were angry with him. He had suddenly turned cruel. 

3: Gokuu, your ways have changed. 

5: It seems that you have switched fighting styles, have you not?

Enki: I have.

3: How did you know that?

Jing had informed you that she was the one who looked over that kind of stuff. The only one.

4: That is none of your concern

3: But he-

1: Lady 3, please, act professional.

Enki was even more unresponsive that before. He didn't even blink when the others talked. He once again only answered to Lord 5 and Lady 4. You flipped to the next page. Something fell out, though. You picked up the paper and looked at it. It was folded a couple of times. After you unfolded it, you looked at the paper. It seemed to be some kind of absentee chart. It was a calendar, front and back, spanning over a whole year. Each day seemed to have a corresponding box. You guessed that the boxes with checks were the days that this person was here. You looked over every box. Only 4 didn't have checks. Each was on the first day of a month. One on January 1st, the second on April 1st, the third on August 1st, and the fourth on December 1st. You then wandered what year this was from. Turning the paper over to the front, you looked at the very top. You had overlooked some information. It was from last year. That was the only thing you could get from it, as the rest seemed to have been torn off. You went back to the transcript. Curious as to if there was another one, you flipped through it. You found three more papers like it. They were all the same. Every box checked except the first of January, April, and August. You flipped through the transcript one last time. You found a final paper. It wasn't filled out all of the way, and, as you suspected, it looked to be following the same pattern as the others. It only had up to August, 'that's the month it is now' You thought. 'This is really recent. It must be from this year.' As you analysed the paper, everything started to make sense. The box on August 1st wan't filled in, signifying that this counsel member wasn't there on that day. 'That was also the day that I got attacked by that man' Your eyes widened. 'The person that's controlling Enki must be a member of the counsel' You thought to yourself frantically. A person that high of statice would surely have access You were about to put the paper down when you noticed that a bit of the top was left un-ripped, exposing some information. It belonged to Lord 5. You looked at the next blank. The name blank. It was half way ripped through, but you could see enough to confirm your theory. The letters L and i along with what could have only been a u. 'Liu Wei' You thought to yourself in horror. "Lord 4 is Liu Wei" You said out loud in triumph. " I figured it out!" You said excitedly "Lord 4 is Liu Wei, who is the one who was controlling Enki!" You were about to start thinking of his motives, but right after you said that, the lights shut off. Without the hum of the electronics, it was eerily quiet. You felt nauseous as you realized a few things. 

1: Though letters like yours would have been shipped within an hour of it being sent, it would take Jing a while to reply. At least a day. 

2: The mail was never delivered into the apartments. Everything received was put into the person's box.

3: Your door wasn't open when you started reading. It was closed and locked. 

4: There was someone behind you.

Lol sorry for the cliffhanger. I'm also sorry about updating a full 2 DAYS LATE. This chapter took a while, too. If I can get my act together, the next one should be out by 6/7 or 6/8. Also: Apparently this story is eligible to be entered into the Watty awards. So that's cool. I would also like to thankshipperfriend for adding my story to their reading list! I would also like to thank KPOPANIMECREEPYPASTA for voting on my story! It means a lot! Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET.

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