Chapter 9

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You got jolted awake by the evil blaring thing on your nightstand. Groaning, you aimlessly hit the top of your alarm clock, knocking your plate from the previous night off of the nightstand in the process. Once you finally hit the stop button, you rolled out of bed. Trudging to the door, you yanked it open. After getting into the bathroom, you preformed your morning routine. Now slightly more awake, you made your way to the kitchen. Deciding to be lazy, you just grabbed a bowl of (f/c) cereal and some milk. After you were finished, you put the dishes in the sink and headed out the door. 

(time skip to Nanba)

Stepping out, you walked at a brisk pace to the entrance. Clocking in, (5 minutes early, might I add) you walked to Samon's office. You knocked. You didn't hear a response. Shrugging, you went in anyways. He was face down into some paperwork sleeping. Face palming, you grumbled to yourself. He was always over-working himself. This wasn't the first time you had found him like this. Sighing, you walked over to him. You picked him up bridal style and carried him to the night shift room. He was very light, light enough for you to be able to pick up. You pulled the covers over him and walked out of the room. Wanting to help him, you sat at his desk and began to tackle the monstrous mountain of paperwork. 

(time skip to an unknown time)

You laid back in the chair with a sigh. You had finally finished all of the paperwork. It was all a bunch of reports, statistics, requests, and so on. In short, it required a lot of brain power. You hadn't looked at the clock since you started. Heck, you hadn't even looked at the time since you got here. You pulled up your hand and took a look at your watch. It read 12:15. Gasping, you quickly grabbed your bag and ran out of the door. You sprinted all the way to the entrance to the underground prison. You pushed open the door after passing through security. As always, it was damp, dark, and humid. You took your note pad and started down the way you usually did. With the anticipation of seeing Enki again, things seemed to slow down. Each request an inmate made seemed to take hours. After what felt like an eternity, you finally got down to the last few inmates before him. Quickly jotting down what they said, you rushed to his cell. Despite seeing this once before, you were still shocked. He looked just as bad as he did last time, if not worse. This time, you could see tears running down his cheeks. Your heart lurched. You ran to him, arms reaching to touch him. He looked at you, eyes cold and murderous. He reached to you, but you didn't flinch. He picked you up, his pupils dilating. But this time, instead of looking scared, you looked at him with care. You put your hand on top of the one holding you up against the bars. He slowly calmed down, setting you down as gently as he did last time. He sunk to his knees, face in hands. After a couple seconds of ragged breathing, he said a strangled "I'm sorry" Kneeling down, you put your hand through the bars, reaching out to him. Your hand settled on his arm. He jumped at first, then relaxed. Once he had calmed down, he put his hands down, revealing his tear stricken face. Your face crumpled into frown. Though you were both kneeling, he was still very much taller than you. You put both hands up, reaching towards his face. He bent down, allowing you to cradle his face in your hands. You wiped away his tears. He smiled a small sad smile. You smiled back. He closed his eyes. After a few moments of comfortable silence, you spoke. "What's wrong" your voice cut through the silence like a knife. After a few seconds, he responded, his deep voice sounding stressed, almost frail. "Something is... wrong" he spoke in a way that sounded like fragments in stead of sentences. "What? What's wrong? Are you okay? What-" You were cut off by him moving. He moved his face to your level, eyes still closed. He spoke again. "He is... con...t" his face was contorted into one of pain. His fists were clenched at his sides. Getting more worried, you cut him off. "Who? Who is he? What's he doing? Are you okay?" He struggled for his words. "He..lp. I... no... don't st....op... Stop... STOP IT" he yelled the last two words, once again taking his head into his hands, pulling at his hair. getting more hysterical, you yell back, "STOP WHAT? WHAT'S WRONG? TELL ME" Suddenly, he stopped. His hands let go of his head. His face was wiped of any signs of emotion, pain, or struggle. His hands fell to his sides. It seemed as everything went quiet. The tension in the air was suffocating. Everything stopped as his head rose. His eyes seemed to open in slow motion. His eyes fell upon yours, locking them. You gasped. They seemed to belong to two different people. One belonged to the Enki who murdered an inmate. The other belonged to the Enki that was your friend. Tears cascaded down one cheek. It looked like something was taking over him. It seemed like he was trying to restrain something. With whatever he had left, he yelled "GO" That was all he was able to say before both eyes became sharp. You turned and ran. You ran all the way to the exit. You bolted up the stairs, slamming the door behind you. You clutched your notepad in both hands, your knuckles as white as your face was. Your hear was felt like it was beating faster than it ever had. You felt coolness on your cheek. It took you a moment to realize that you were crying. Taking a deep breath in, you loosened your grip on the notebook. You put it in your bag that had somehow not been dropped throughout this whole ordeal. Taking steady breaths to slow your heart down, you wiped at your cheeks, ridding them of tears. Deciding that you were presentable enough, you took one final deep breath before walking off to do your other duties. You forced whatever had happened down there to the back of your mind, saving it for later. A flash of Enki's face; one side sharp and hair-raising ,the other scared and confused; crossed your mind. A chill went down your spine. You brushed it off, deciding that you would take a break from the underground prison for a day or two. Sighing, you turned the doorknob of Samon's office, preparing to give him the requests of the inmates you had taken. 

So this was an eventful chapter. The story will be continued in the next chapter, which should be out either on 4/8 or 4/9. I hope you enjoyed. See you next time. So YEET.

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