Chapter 39

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Someone cleared their throat. Enki didn't turn, still hiding you. Then, the person spoke. "Enki." Even though, he had only said one word, you knew who it was. 'but why would Samon be down here?" you thought to yourself in a panic. When Enki didn't react, he banged on the bars. While it didn't seem to affect Enki, you did jump a bit. "ANSWER ME GOD DAMMIT" You had never heard Samon so mad before. He seemed furious. Enki sighed and looked over his shoulder slightly. He saw a very angry Samon staring back at him with blazing eyes. "IF YOU LAID A FINGER ON HER, I SWEAR I WILL-" he was cut off by Enki, who spoke in a calm and collected voice, "I would never lay a finger on (y/n)." Samon seemed to be confused. Now, in a low, angry voice, he said, "you never mentioned that you saw (y/n)" Enki turned his head back down to you. He was slightly surprised to find you in full panic mode. In an effort to try to calm you down, he subtly shifted his arms, pulling you closer to his form. Your breathing slowed as you leaned against him. Samon, who still didn't get an answer from Enki said an impatient, "Well?" Without turning his head, Enki replied, "I never said I didn't" Samon let out a frustrated yell as he kicked the bars. Knowing he would get no more out of him (or just to frustrated to try), Samon stomped away. Once you heard the door slam shut, Enki released you and looked at your face. You had tears in your eyes and your face was pale. Before he could speak, you started. "There's something I need to tell you." Though your voice was shakey, you spoke clearly. He looked at you, a brow raised in question. You took a deep breath in before starting. You told him everything. How you changed buildings. How you deserted your friends. The letter to Le jing. Everything. He listened the entire time. After you finished, you breathed out. It felt good to get it off your chest. After a bit of silence, Enki spoke. "Why would you do this?" you thought for a moment before you answered. "For you." you said simply. "But wh-" you cut him off again," Because you're innocent. You shouldn't be in here. You should be out. With your brother. With me" You blushed at the last part. Then, silence filled the air. Enki broke it after a moment. "But why are you willing to go through all of this for me? You could loose everything. Your job. Your friends. Your life. Liu W-" he cut himself off, knowing that the mention of the name would cause the thing to take over him "- that man. He's going to kill you if you don't stay out of his way. Why are you risking so much?" You sat there, dumbfounded. You couldn't think of a real reason of why you're sacrificing so much. You thought harder, trying to come up with one. The only thing you came up with was that you didn't want to loose him. "I-I don't want to loose you" He sighed before embracing you. "You can't do this. You're going to get hurt." In a small but determined voice, you spoke, "I don't care" Though you wanted to stay like this, you knew you had to leave. You tried to wiggle out of his arms. He let you go. You walked to the door and opened it. You walked out, locking it behind you. You turned to face him. He scooched closer to the bars. A moment of silence passed before he spoke," If you're going to do this, you have to promise to be careful. That man is after you now. He will not hesitate to kill you. You have to promise me." He looked at you intently. Though his calm expression never seemed to leave his face, his voice was serious. You nodded. You started to walk away, but he called you back. When you got there, he said, "You need answers, don't you?" You nodded your head uncertainly. He backed up away from the bars and sat criss-cross. "Ask me" You were about to say that the questions would cause the thing to control him again, but he already knew. You sighed, bringing out your notebook from your bag. You took a breath in before asking your first question, " How long has this been happening?" You cringed as you saw him tense, fighting off the imminent. In as strained voice, he replied, "Since the first time I was called to the Counsel" You jotted it down before moving onto your next question, "What are you being controlled by?" He grimaced ,"" He struggles for words as it fought harder to take control over him. 'talsmn?' You tried to figure out what he was saying. You looked up from your note pad. His hands were in fists and his eyes were clinched shut. You shivered at the sight of him in pain. 'oh' you thought. 'a talisman' you jotted it down. 'That would make a lot of sense' you thought to yourself. You remembered when Samon explained to you that talismans had several different functions. One of which was to control. Your heart sped up as you began to fill in the blanks. You paused before asking the last one, the one you knew would send him over the edge. "Who is controlling you" Silence. The only thing he got out before lunging at the bars was a distorted sounding "FIVE" .You stumbled back at his sudden aggressiveness. Your heart broke as you saw him. 'not Enki' you reminded yourself,  'it's not him' You said "goodbye" and made your way back to your station. The long, silent walk was filled with thoughts. They were all racing around in your head that you couldn't make sense of it all. You took in a breath before trying to organize your thoughts. ' okay, so Enki is being controlled by a man probably named Liu Wei. This man has been controlling Enki for at least 3 years. So that means who ever would be controlling him would be responsible for the murder.' you nodded to yourself as you put it together. 'The man in the cloak must be the man called Liu Wei. He seems to have some sort of power' you shivered as you remembered what he did to you. It felt a lot like that one time you got hit with one of Upa's, as Nico would call it, special move. 'may be a Qigong user' you noted in your mind. 'He is apparently after me. But why' you thought for a moment. 'Is it because I'm messing with Enki?' you questioned yourself. You shrugged and moved on to your next thought, 'I need to be careful. I promised Enki that I would be.' You started to get a head ache from all of this. You got to your desk and flopped down into the chair. You let your head fall into your hands as you let out a groan. You lifted your head up and saw another stack of paperwork on it. You decided that you should get your work done and picked up a pen, pushing the thoughts back as you started filling them out. 

Technically I got this out on time. I mean, it is almost the next day, but it's not yet. Also, I just realized that on the last chapter, I put the dates 5/32 and 5/33. I'm a little slow. I'm pretty sure you could figure out what I meant tho. The next ones should be out by 6/3 or 6/4. Anyways. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET.

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