Chapter 6

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Your phone blared in your hand, making you jolt awake. You opened your eyes to see a place that you didn't recognize for a moment. Pressing the stop button flashing on the screen, you sat up and stretched. You looked around at the dark and dreary place. You then remembered where you were. You glanced into the cell you were leaning against, seeing Enki where he was when you first met: facing the corner. You sighed as you got up, slightly sore from sleeping on the floor, but refreshed none the less. You had set the alarm a few minutes before you needed to be at Samon's office. You found your boots and slipped them on. Standing up, you started walking towards the exit. You stopped after you had taken a few steps, turning around sharply. "Enki." You saw him turn his head slightly. "See you soon" he nodded. Happy that you got an answer, you smiled and walked off. 

(Time skip till you get to Samon's office)

Smoothing out your uniform, you knocked on his door. Hearing him say," Come in" you opened the door. You saw him looking in one of the file cabinet. You walked up to him and tapped his shoulder, getting his attention. Looking up he smiled. "Good morning (y/n). What's up?" 

(your POV)

Choosing to tell him about my day (of course leaving a few 

\minor details out), you started," Well, my alarm woke me up. I did my normal routine. While I was eating my bowl of cereal, I looked at my phone and it was like 5:15." He raised an eyebrow and made a really face. I held up a finger as I continued my story. "So I rushed here and clocked in. When I did, It said I was an hour and something early" His face twisted into a mix between a surprised and confused expression. "How?" he said, still contemplating how I managed to do this. Noticing his confusion, you explained. "I was confused too, until I remembered that I lent my phone to Inori." I saw his face turn into an expression that hinted that he knew what happened. I continued," I went to the bathroom while he was using it. He must have switched the time." Huffing, I fell onto the floor next to him. Lately, Inori had been doing a few pranks. A few days ago, he had put a few of his own popscicles in Samon's box. He had added a few drops of a very spicy ingredient. Lets just say, Samon ended up drinking quite a bit of water after he ate one. Now both of you had a reason for revenge. Deciding to be responsible workers, you both settled on formulating a plan later, so you asked, "Have anything you need me to do?" He nodded and gave you a file. "Bring this to that cake-faced pheasant" Rolling your eyes as the name he decided to call Kiji, you took the papers from him, sliding them into your bag as walked out of his office. 

(Time skip till you get to Kiji and also Narrator's POV)

Walking through the hell hole called building 3, you looked for Kiji. You walked past the infamous cell 6, the cell that held Honey and Trois. Due to you being a female, they were immediately up against the bars. Honey was the first to speak. "Oooh, well if it isn't miss (y/n)! Would you mind telling me the quantity of lace your underwear contai-" He was cut off by Trois. "Honey, that was very unattractive of you. Approaching a woman like that. Now (y/n), might I ask what the color of the bra your wearing today is~" You sweat dropped as you continued walking, much to the boy's disappointment. Weaving your way through the maze of blocks, you decided to take a bathroom break. Walking into the pristine bathroom, you entered a stall, after you finished, you exited, only to find the guy you were looking for fixing his make up in the one of the bathroom's mirrors. You took the papers out from the bag and tapped Kiji on the shoulder. He jumped and turned around, slightly annoyed that you had startled him while he was fixing his makeup. Once he saw it was you, however, he smiled. "Well hello there (y/n)! What ever brings you to building 3, hmmm? Do you finally agree to let me dress you up?!" He said with a hopeful smile. You sigh. All he had were male models, and the Warden, being the Warden, wasn't an option. So you had always been who he begged to doll up. You never had been one to get all dressed up, especially without an occasion. Rolling your eyes, you said," No" He knew that you were going to say that. He feigned betrayal and placed a hand over his heart as he gasped. You both laughed. "What are you here for then?" He asked kindly. You handed him the papers. When he saw what they were, he snatched them from you and fanboied over them. "TROIS AND HONEY'S MERCHANDISE IS OUT!" He then proceeded to list all of the things that had been made. 

(Time skip to the courtyard of building 5)

After a bit of walking, the familiar scene of the courtyard came into view. Everyone was doing their normal thing. Inmates were mingling with each other. Liang was training. Qi was slacking off. Upa was sparring with Samon. You saw a pretty blue flower growing near a bush and picked it. After they were done sparring, Upa used his qigong to float up and pat you on the head. You huffed and pushed him away, him smirking all the wile. Walking up to Samon, you caught his tail and held onto it. He immediately turned around and snatched it from you. " Was that necessary, (y/n)" With a completely straight face, you replied "yes." You both stared at each other with emotionally void faces for a few seconds. Then you both bursted out laughing. After you had calmed down, you looked at your watch, still panting from the intense laughing session. It read 12:13. Smiling, you started to make your way to the underground prison. Confused by your sudden disappearance, Samon yelled," Hey (y/n), where are you going?" Turing around, you yelled back," It's time for the rounds in the underground" He gave you a thumbs up and turned back around to tend to the inmates. You walked to the familiar doors that led down into the other prison, you verified yourself with the security thing and walked down the stairs. Wanting to save the best for last, you did your side first, jotting down anything that you needed to. You then made your way to the side Inori usually did. Getting more and more exited, you jotted things down a little quicker. After nearly a half an hour, you finally finished. Walking towards the wall of darkness, you turned your phone flashlight on. You didn't see what you had expected to see. Instead of sitting in the corner, he was on his knees facing you grasping his head. He made small sounds that sounded like he was struggling. Alarmed, you let your irrational side overpower your rational one and immediately went up the the bars and tried to reach him. You barely made contact. All you could do was brush the edge of his head. At this he bolted up and yanked your arm against the bars up to his height, which was a considerable amount higher. His pupils were small and you felt his glare pierce you. They were looking around, seemingly unfocused. He looked everywhere until his eyes landed on your terrified face. His eyes softened and he set you down. He seemed dazed and confused. He looked at you with both confusion and remorse. He tried to speak, but he only got out," I, umm, you and, I'm sorry, I don't know, um..." you stopped him. Something was wrong. The way his eyes changed was unnatural. He seemed to be in a trance. He obviously didn't mean to do that. "Are you okay" you asked, the worry evident in your voice. Despite the daze, he smiled. "I just almost broke your arm off, and you're asking me if I'm okay?" Not pleased with his answer, you tried to grab the neck of his top, failing to do so. Getting the message, he sat and leaned down to your height. You looked into his green eyes, searching for an answer as to what had happened. After a few moments, you sighed finding nothing. You looked down and then remembered the blue flower you had picked. It had fallen from your grasp when he had yanked you up. Delicately picking it up, you knocked on the bars to get Enki's attention, who was staring off into space. He looked down at you holding up a flower. Taken aback, he chuckled, gently taking the flower from your hand. He held it up to his nose and smelled it, a small smile present on his face. "You got this for me?" You nodded " I found it outside on my way here, and I wanted to give it to you." Still shocked by your kindness, he reached down and patted your head. This was a common occurrence for you because of your height. You huffed and puffed out your cheeks. Taking his hand back, Enki said "What?" Sighing, you said "every one pats my head because I'm short. Now you're doing it too." You said, sinking to the ground, back against the bars. As you sulked, Enki, once again, patted your head. Deciding to act like a child, you said," stOooOoooP iT" he laughed and you chuckled. Getting up, you said, "Well, I have to go now. It's almost lunch time and me and Samon have to discuss our plan of revenge" At the sound of his brothers name, his pupils got small and mad again. He nodded and went to his corner. Sad that you had upset him, you said a small "bye" as you walked off, your boots clicking against the floor as your mind worked on figuring out what was happening. 

Part 6 done. I hope you enjoyed! I didn't release it on the dates said on the previous chapter. I released it a day before. (lol i'm such a rebel) The next one should be out by 4/1 or 4/2. So YEET.

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