Chapter 15

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The heels of your boots clicked loudly as you walked down the long corridors. The sound was amplified due to the fact that everyone was still sleeping. Each guard had a specific corridor they were assigned to. That meant that you had to wake them up, call for role, take them to lunch, etc. Inori was the one that had been taking them to lunch since you were usually rather late due to you taking his shift in the underground. It was routine now. You had also not been able to wake them up and call roll for about three weeks. The first week (before this story had begun), you had been helping the Warden organize the mountain of files that were piling up. The second (let's pretend that I didn't forget to add this detail in), you had to spend your mornings in the break room, organizing more files. The third, you had been at the Counsel meeting. So it had been a wile since you had seen your favorite cell, cell 8. You smiled at the thought of your friends. You started on the far right, waking up each cell gently. Calling each of their numbers. Because there were quite a few prisoners, it took a while. You were looking forward to cell 8, but that was all the way on the left, the last cell. You sighed, looking at the almost endless number of cells. 

(thirty minute time skip)

You woke up yet another cell, calling out their numbers. You looked to your left and saw that the end was near. (that came out wrong, but I'm not going to change it) Smiling, you woke up the last three cells rather quickly, finally getting to your favorite one. You knocked on the bars like you knew Inori did, (loud, hard, and careless) hearing multiple groans of protest. You held in a laugh. You got ready to call out their numbers. "Number 2" a few gasps were heard, then footsteps. You looked up from the list, now full-on smiling. They were all at the door, even Qi. Liang was the first to speak. "Thank goodness your back! Where have you been?" You began to reply "Well I'be been-" You were cut off by Upa, speaking in a voice that had more emotion than usual, "Why did you leave us with that insufferable boar?" you started again "The Warden-" This time, Qi interrupted," He forgot to take us to lunch once" You huffed. They awaited your answer with eager faces. "I was with the Warden on a classified trip for a while and I had to help organize a few things." Not finding your reasons to be good enough, Upa spoke," And that was reason enough to leave us with that lazy trash?" You sweat-dropped at his stubbornness. Sighing, you reached for the keys. You weren't supposed to do this, but Samon let is slide. You slipped the key into the hole and turned. The door opened. You were immediately tackled by Liang, who was smiling. You laughed and hugged him back. Getting jealous, (and being the tsundere he is) Upa pouted, something he knew you adored. You laughed and (still holding onto Liang) hugged Upa. He blushed and pretended not to like it, but hugged back regardless. You felt an arm around your shoulder and looked to your side to see Qi lazily joining in on the group hug. It lasted for a few seconds. You went to pull apart but Qi's arm prevented you from doing so. You tripped over your own feet (way-to-go reader-chan) and fell, still being stuck in the embrace of your friends. This meant that when you fell, so did they. You landed with a big thud, arms still wrapped around them. They all groaned at your clumsiness. You were the first to start laughing. Pretty soon, everyone was. After a while, you were able to wiggle out of their grasps. You offered both hands to them. Upa and Liang took the right and Qi took the left. You hauled them all up. Still chuckling, you playfully pushed them back into the cell. They each had their own version of a smile on their faces, happy to have you back. You smiled back and patted Upa's head. He huffed and swatted your hand away. You chuckled and waved as you walked away. You hadn't been able to catch up with them lately, due to both work and your little side project. Feeling slightly guilty for this, you made a silent promise that you would spent more time with them. Luckily, you already had something planned for the upcoming holiday, Easter. Though they never celebrated it before, you had explained it to them. They had all agreed that they would celebrate it with you this year last Easter, as you had work that time. This year, however, it was your turn to have Easter off. You smirked as you thought about what you had planned. The Warden herself had given you permission to do it. But only because, in her own words, "You give everything but you never ask for anything." You were looking forward to what was to come. You got to the end of the hallway, waiting for the breakfast bell to ring. As per-usual, it seemed like it took forever. Looking down at you watch, you realized that you had started wake-up and roll-call a bit early. You leaned against the wall, waiting for the bell to signify that it was time to eat. When it did, it slightly scared you. You chuckled as you entered your security code in order to push the button that would open all the cells (just go with it) Because the inmates here were so well-behaved, you didn't worry as they all mingled together on their way to breakfast. Even though you had already eaten, as you do every day, you still had to go supervise the inmates while they ate. You waited until you saw cell 8, who was also waiting for you. You smiled and approached them. Qi and Liang smiled while Upa waved, back to his stoic self. You walked with them to the cafeteria. When they got in line, you went to your usual table and sat down in the chair you always sat. You crossed your legs and waited for them to come sit.

OMG I'M SO SORRY I'M SUCH A LOOSER. I totally forgot to update for like two days! School has been crazy and stressful and overall a pain in the butt. Anyways, I get a whole week off for Easter! That means that I can make the missed days up to you guys! I'll try to update everyday for the break. (keyword: try) On Easter day, I'm probably ganna do an Easter special with a part that would take a break from the plot of this story and focus on else. (probably something Easter related) If you have any requests for the Easter special, just comment down below and I'll most likely do it. Anyways, the next part will be out by tomorrow. There's nothing else left to say, so YEET. 

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