Chapter 44

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The room went silent. Everyone was still trying to completely understand what you had just said. Enki. The one who betrayed Namba. The one who abused his inmates. The murderer. Was innocent? Hajime broke the silence, "So, you're saying Enki's innocent" you nodded. Kiji, who had stopped being dramatic was now serious. "That....that actually makes sense." Kenshiro agreed. Samon spoke next, "But why would you hide this from us? Why did you move away?-" You stopped him from asking any more questions. "You would have stopped me" "No I wouln-" "You barely let me go into the underground prison. Talking to Enki would have been out of the question." He was going to argue further, but he knew you were right. The room was silent again. This time, you broke it. "I'm going to see him" Samon bolted out of his chair, "There is no way I'm going to let you see him. He'll-" "He still loves you" He stopped dead in his tracts. The rest of the supervisors watched in quiet awe. "What do-" "The Enki that told you that you were weak and worthless wasn't your brother. He was being controlled by Liu Wie. He still loves you" Samon then sat back down, thinking about what you had just said. At this, you walked (hobbled) out of the room with your crutches. No one stopped you. The underground entrance was quite a ways away. There was a shortcut, but that would bring you by Cell 8. 'I betrayed them too. I can't face them right now' You thought to yourself as you took the long way.

(timeskip till you get to the door)

You swung open the door and made your way down the stairs. It was quiet as it had always been. Maybe even more as everyone was sleeping. 'I hope he's awake' you thought as you walked to his cell. After a while, you made it. He was sleeping with his back towards you.  You decided that this was a good enough occasion to wake him up for, though. You were about to knock on the bars when you noticed it. You had never seen the back of his neck as his hair had always covered it. But now, his hair was sprawled around him, exposing the black slip of paper hidden beneath. Though barely visible, you recognized it as on of the most powerful control talismans out there. Samon had showed you a picture a while back and informed you that only he Council had access to. 'another piece of evidence' you thought. You planned to use this information another time. You walked up to the cell and gently knocked on the bars. He stirred and moved his head, looking for the source of the noise. He perked up as he saw you. He sat up and saw that you were on crutches. He also noticed the slightly bloodied bandage around your leg. In a concerned voice, he asked, "What happened?" You told him that he had come after you. He lowered his head. "I told you. You need to stop now. You can't get hurt." At this, you chuckled. Confused, he asked, "What's so funny" You smirked. "I figured it out." "Figured what out?" "I know who Liu Wie is. I know what he did and I know how he did it. We have him in custody right now. I can prove that he did what he did. We have the evidence. I can prove you innocent." You said with a bright smile. His eyes widened. "You... figured it out?" you nodded. A smile passed across his face. Then, out of nowhere, he reaches through the bars and grabs you, pulling you into a hug. Though the bars separated you, it was still a hug. Happy tears hung in the corner of your eye. He let you go as the sound of footsteps could be heard. You both watched as Hajime walked down the corridor to you, keys and cuffs in hand. He looked up at Enki with an emotionless face as he flipped through the keys. "What are you doing?" You asked him. He stopped flipping for a second. "The conversation we just had in the room was recorded and the Warden heard all of it. She is calling for a trial. Enki will be placed in a high security cell in building 8. You have three days to prepare your case." You scrunched up you face in confusion, "why building 8?" You asked. "You work there now, don't you?" realization hit you. You still worked in building 8. 'I have to get moved back to building 5!' You thought frantically. "Wait!" you called out. Hajime looked over to you. "Don't move him yet. I'll be right back" You said as you took off. Well, took off as fast as you could with your hurt leg. You made your way to Momoko's office. You suddenly felt very timid. You shook it off and walked in after knocking. She was sitting at her desk looking at some papers. She looked at you as you entered. "(y/n)." "Y-yes" You braced yourself for the worst. "You are an idiot" you hung your head low. "An idiotic genius" You picked your head up, already about to question. She had on a proud grin. "Without you, that man would have gotten away." You stuttered out a thank you. She rolled her eyes at your timidness. "I'm guessing that you would like to be moved back to building 5?" she said, stacking some papers. You nodded. She giggled. "I figured. I already registered you back into building 5. Now go. You have a lot to prepare. You only have three days. The rest of the Council will be at the trial. Do your best." At this, you walked out of the office, sighing in relief. You got to go back to your friends! 'my friends' you thought. 'the ones I betrayed' you let out a sigh 'I don't have time right now. I only have three days.' With this, you made your way back. Mitsuru had already informed the others of what was happening. Enki was moved to a high security cell in building 5. Turns out that you would actually need to use your office. On your way to it, you took the long rout to it in order to avoid Cell 8. The whole trial would be kept under wraps, so they probably didn't know that you were back. Though you felt terrible, you had to free Enki. {Skip if you want just reader insert} As you sat at your desk putting together a case, you thought briefly of the question that Enki had asked you, "Why are you risking so much" You tried to think of an answer, but couldn't. You shook your head and got back to work. {okay now start reading} You only had three days. Though you already had the majority of the evidence, you needed to organize it. You prepared yourself for what was to come.

Another cliff hanger. How nice of me. I felt like being productive today, so here's another chapter. The next one should be out by 6/10 or 6/11. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! So YEET. 

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