Chapter 27

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(Upa's Pov)

I laid awake in my bed, waiting for (y/n) to come for us. I heard her waking up the other inmates. Heavy footsteps were then heard, followed by talking. The heavy footsteps approached out cell. "get up ya little (bleeps)" I shot out of bed at the sound of that lazy boar's voice. I glared at him, "What are you doing here, lazy trash?" He rolled his eyes. "I'm here to wake you up, idiot." Liang was soon at the bars. " I thought (Y/n) was coming wake us up today." Trash was the next to speak," Yeah, with those drugs I gave her, she should be healed completely by now" The boar grumbled before saying," Just get out, it's breakfast time." We all let out a disappointed sigh as we file out of the cell. She had left so quickly last time. She also never answered Samon's question. I'll ask her next time I see her. 

(Your Pov)
I made it to Momoko's office. I entered my password and answered the 50 security questions. ''(f/f)" I said as I answered the last question. The door unlocked and I walked in. Momoko relaxed her usual tense posture upon seeing that I was me. "Oh, hey (Y/n)" she said with a smile. With a heavy heart, I replied with a sad "hey" She made a confused face, but before she could ask a question, I talked. " I would like to be transfered." A look of shock was on her face. She knew how much I hated going to new and unfamiliar places. She knew how much I loved it at Samon's building. The look of shock passed as she realized that I could just be asking to be transfered to either Kenshiro, Kiji, or Hajime's building. "Where?" "Building 8's underground tunnel" The look of utter shock returned. "W-what? Did I hear you correctly? You don't know anyone there?" "I know" "And down there you would barely get to see any of your friends" "I know" "You'll be the only one down there" "I know" "......." She was speechless. "But, why?" She said, not able to grasp the reason on why I wanted to be moved away from everyone. I thought for a second. She didn't seem to know about the incident with Enki, so I had to speak carefully. "I just... need some time to myself" After a moment of hesitation, she complied. She pulled up her phone (or whatever she would use) and contacted the supervisor. "Supervisor Ryota... yes... no... I just need you to come to my office... you have a new guard... the tunnel... tell him that he will be positioned at training ground... yes... okay... goodbye" She hung up the phone. 

(Normal Pov)

You then realized something. 'they know where I live' You had had your friends over before, so they knew the apartment (paied for by work) was. You sighed. "Momoko" she 'hmm'ed. I would also like to request a different apartment. "Okay, but what is the reason?" having to think on your feet, you thought of how you always wanted a dog. The apartment that you were in didn't allow pets. "I wanted to get a pet. My apartment doesn't allow them" "Oh, well we'll get right on it." you let out a sigh of relief. "Also, (y/n)" You looked up at her. She had an exited smile on her face. She walked to you with her hands behind her back. "Because you've been doing so well, I wanted to get you a reward. I know you have a pretty old phone..." 'oh crap, they have my phone number' "... soooooo, I got you a new one!" she said excitedly as she showed what was in her hands. It was a (Phone type). Shooketh, you said a happy 'thanks' and hugged her. You pulled apart. "It has a new phone number and everything!" 'so that took care of itself' "would you like me to give the number to the other supervisors for you?" "NO" you yelled. "uuhh, I mean, no thank you." she shrugged and handed your new phone to you. You said your goodbyes after she handed you the address to your new apartment. Before you walked out, however, you turned around. What you said next almost physically hurt. "Oh, and Momoko" "Yes" "Don't tell anyone anything" "what do you mean?" "Like, don't tell anyone my new address, phone number, or building. I don't want anyone to know where I am. Aside from you, of course." Confused, she said, "Why? You don't want to see your friends or something" She said jokingly. It stung your heart because that's exactly what you wanted. Well, not really, but you know what I mean. Putting on a fake smile, you said "You'll see!" Usually, when you said this, you were planning something. Something like a party or a gift. So, she agreed not to tell. She gave you leave to go home early to get all of your stuff out of the house. You let a few tears out as you drove home. 

(time skip)

You got out of the car, lugging your bag out with you. It was only midday, so you had plenty of time. You did't have much, as you were more worried about work and friends. 'friends that will soon hate me' you grimaced as you walked in your soon-to-be former house. All you had in your apartment was a little bit of clothes, a few dishes and silverware, toiletries, bedding, along with a few miscellaneous things. It didn't take long. You simply brought your big suitcase out from under your bed. Into it, you neatly stacked your uniforms along with your few outfits that didn't have anything to do with work. After putting in your shoes, socks, and other things, you stripped off your bed. The bedding took up quite a bit of room, and you could only fit your few towels, rags, and toiletries in. You grabbed the other suitcase and started packing that one. You carefully placed in your cutlery and silverware. You mainly used paper plates, so it was mainly silverware. You went to your fridge. Since you hadn't been home for so long, most of your food was bad. You threw out all of it. There wasn't much, so it was a quick job. After packing up the rest of the kitchen, you moved onto your personal belongings. There wasn't much. A few hours later, everything but your most prized possessions were packed. (the furniture wasn't yours, it came with the apartment) You gently picked up your only necklace. It was given to you by Kiji. The (birth stone) shined brightly on the elegantly thin gold chain it hung on. You smiled at the memory. Carefully packing it, you picked up the next thing. It was the knife Hajime had given to you for your birthday. It was a shiny silver knife with (f/c) accents. You slept with it every night. You packed it. The next was the pair of fighting gloves Samon had given to you. They allowed you to grip things better and they reduced the shock of impacts. You let out a small chuckle, trying not no cry. The next was a whistle from Kenshiro. If blown, his dogs would hear it and come to you. You placed it in the suitcase. The next thing was from Uno. It was a chip from (favorite place). The next was Jyugo's gift to you on your birthday this year. It was a lock picking set. How he got it is a mystery, but he always enjoyed teaching you how to pick locks. The anime poster was from Nico. It was from (favorite anime). The next was a cook book. Rock had hand-written all of the recipes. It had little notes everywhere. You made the best of your meals with this. The next thing was from Qi. It was a dried flower kept in a picture frame. Though it was faded, you could still see the intricate patterns on the (f/c) petals. The expandable staff was from Liang. It extended to be a full sized staff though it was small. The last thing was from Upa. He hadn't known what to get you for your birthday. He decided to go with a more sentimental gift. Inside a hand carved picture frame was one of your favorite pictures. It was a picture Liang had taken of you two. Both of you were laughing. At what? You don't remember. But the smiles on your faces were genuine. You placed it in. Looking at the priceless contents, you zipped the suitcase up. You lugged them to your car, mindful about the one with the gifts in it. You entered the address in the GPS on your new phone and started to drive to your new apartment. 

Please forgivith me for updating so late! School sucks and so does testing (which is still going on) Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! The next one should be out by either 5/10, 5/11, or 5/12. I would also like to thank GraceBloom for following me and FairyTailNinjaMage for voting on my story! I also can't forget to thank IHatePopUps and Demonbutterflygirl for showing continued support for my story! Thanks! So YEET.

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