Chapter 3

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Hello! Oppa!” Roseanne yelled from the other line. “I’ve been texting you earlier. I’ve sent like a dozen messages already. Where are you right now? Oppa! Why aren’t you talking?”

“Hello!” An unfamiliar voice answered on the other line.

“Huh?! Who is this? Where’s Jimin-oppa?”

“This is Taehyung.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“Hello? Roseanne? Are you still there?”

“Ah . . . Yes. Where’s Jimin-oppa? And why are you answering his phone?”

“We’re actually at the clinic right now.”

“What? Why?”

“Jimin smelled a pungent substance when we passed by the chemistry laboratory earlier. And it caused him to feel nauseated. He’s just taking a nap right now but the nurse assured us that he’s fine so you have nothing to worry about.”

“Oh! Okay. That’s good to hear.”

“So . . . uh, why did you call Jimin by the way? Do you need something from him?”

“Yeah, kind of. But it’s fine. Don’t disturb him. Let him rest for a couple more minutes.”

“Okay. Are you coming here?”

“Ummm. No. I don’t think I can. I’ll just wait for him to wake up. I’m kind of held up at the moment.”

“Why? What happened?”

“It’s nothing. I’ll just wait for Jimin-oppa.”

“Are you sure?”


“Can you at least tell me what happened? Just so I can be sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine. I swear. Trust me, Taehyung-oppa.”

“Alright. At least tell me where you are right now.”

“I’m inside the ladies comfort room.”

“What are you doing there?”

“It’s really embarrassing, Oppa. I can’t tell you.”

“Come on! It’s fine. You trust me, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“Then tell me what you are doing there.”

“I, uh . . . How do I say this . . . Um . . . I have my menstruation today and I made a big mess on my skirt. And I forgot to bring an extra sanitary pad. All my friends went home ahead of me because I had to stop by the library to finish a pending homework. That’s why I’ve been contacting Jimin-oppa for the past 15 minutes.”

“You mean to say, you’ve been inside the comfort room for 15 minutes already?”

“Unfortunately, yes. I’m really hoping Jimin-oppa won’t take that much rest. Because I’m already starting to feel unwell myself. I feel like my dysmenorrhea is starting to kick in.”

“So . . . uh . . . when Jimin wakes up, what would you like me to tell him?”

“Oh, yeah. Just tell him to buy me some sanitary pad, wet wipes, tissue, alcohol . . . and I need to borrow his jersey for cover up.”

“Got it. By the way, in which particular comfort room are you staying right now?”

“I’m at the comfort room near the library.”

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