Chapter 28

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“Hey! Now that we are officially together, do you want to go on a date this weekend?” Taehyung asked, he was sending Roseanne back to her apartment.

She blushed at his claim before answering, “I’d love that. However, I can’t go.”

“Why not?”

“It is Jisoo-unnie’s wedding.”

“Okay. Then I can be your date.” He chirped.

“I’m sorry to disappoint you but I already have a date.” She answered hesitatingly.

“Who? Can’t you cancel it with him? Tell him you already have a boyfriend. I’m sure he’ll understand.”

“About that . . .” She gulped a lump in her throat. “Oppa, can we keep it between us first? I mean . . . our relationship. Please.”

“What? Why?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because it’s only been a few months since Chanyeol and I broke up. So I don’t want people to misunderstand.”

“When did you broke up with him?”

“Um . . . about six months ago?”

He stopped the car at the side of the road to completely face her as they talked.

“Then it’s been half a year already. That should be more than enough for someone who got out of a relationship to move on and get into another relationship. Seriously, what are you worrying about? Are you still hung up on Chanyeol?”

“God, no!”

“Then why do you want to hide our relationship from everyone?”

“Just please, Oppa. I have no bad intention about this. I just didn’t want to give everyone a big surprise. Let me tell the girls first.” She cupped his face and leaned closer. “Please?”

“You’re cheating. You know I can’t resist it when you’re using that cute puppy-eyes-look on me.”

She smiled smugly, “I did not know that. All I know is that my Taehyungie loves me so much that he will most likely give in to my request. Isn’t that right?”

“Your Taehyungie, huh?”

“Yep. You are no one else’s but mine.” She scooted even closer before pecking his lips. “This is mine too. So what that bitch did back at the restaurant really ticked me off. She’s lucky I restrained myself.”

“But babe, I’m having a hard time restraining myself now.” He said in his deep hoarse voice. “What do you think you are doing?”

“I’m negotiating with my boyfriend.” She smirked before pushing him back to his seat and going back to hers.

He unbuckled his seatbelt. “No. We’re not done yet. You need to convince me further. I cannot let you win over me that easily.” He said while filling her face with his butterfly kisses.

“That’s enough!” She giggled.

A grin was plastered on his face as he continued driving with only one hand. His other hand was intertwined with Roseanne’s. She was wearing a sheepish smile while trying to focus on the road ahead.

“Before you go, you forgot to mention who your date will be on Jisoo’s wedding.”

“Oh! You don’t want to know.” She teased as she tried to get off his car.

He squinted his eyes at her after stopping her from leaving. “Wait, you gotta tell me. Who is it?”

“I’ll just send you a picture of us on the wedding. I’m sure we’ll look good.” She answered with a wink.

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