Chapter 27

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Roseanne was talking with Chanyeol on the school hallway when Taehyung found them. He quickened his pace towards them and stopped right beside Roseanne. Then he loudly cleared his throat to catch their attention.

“Oh! Taehyung-oppa, you’re already here.” Roseanne said.

“Yes.” Taehyung answered.

Chanyeol briefly glanced at Taehyung before excusing himself from them.

Then Taehyung grabbed Roseanne’s wrist and pulled her to his car parked outside the building. And without saying anything, he speedily drove his car away.

He stopped in front of a restaurant and did not do anything further.

Roseanne and Taehyung stayed sitting inside the car for a couple of minutes. Silenced engulfed them ever since they got inside his car earlier and even after he drove to that place.

His grip on the steering wheel was so strong that the veins on his hand became visible. While his brows were furrowed and anger was creeping on his eyes.

“Is there something wrong? You seem mad.” She asked softly.

He snapped his head at her, “Well at least you noticed that. Because it seemed like you find it so hard to notice everything else.”

“What do you me…”

“Why were you still talking to that jerk?” He asked with gritted teeth.


“Who else? He’s the only jerk that I know of.”

“Oh! We were just talking about work. There’s a school activity that the chairman wanted the both of us to take care of.”

“What? And you agreed?”

“Of course. I don’t have a reason not to. It’s only work anyway.”

“Are you sure about that?” He spat at her.

“Yes.” Her hands lied restlessly on her lap while looking down. “Hey, why do you sound so angry this whole time? Did I do something?”

“Do you still not get it?” He exclaimed.

She quickly looked up at him, “What?”

“I like you!”

Say what? He likes me? Really? So he actually said it last time we went parasailing.

“Rosie! I just said I fuckin’ like you!” He screamed.

Her eyes widened in surprise after hearing him repeat the same thing. “Then why do you sound angry? Are you annoyed that you like me? You make it seem like you’re only forced to like me.” She softly said as she avoided his gaze.

His jaw dropped after hearing what she said. “No, Rosie. It’s not like that. I’m sorry.” He tightly gripped his hair in frustration. “All I meant to say was that I like you.”

“Then why did you say it like . . .”

“I don’t mean anything else. Please. I’m just a bit irritated right now because I was supposed to take you out tonight to a lovely dinner. Then I was planning to confess about my feelings for you sometime during dinner. Not like this. But I allowed my jealousy to get the best of me and ruined everything. And before you say anything else, I know that it’s not your fault nor anyone else’s. I’m truly sorry.” He said dejectedly.

“Uh . . .” She started to say.

Shit! He finally confessed. Was I supposed to say something? Oh my God! I badly want to talk to the girls right now. They said that this was bound to happen sooner or later. Why did I even ignore them every time they mentioned things like that? Don’t I get a lifeline now?

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