Chapter 29

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Roseanne was currently doing her grocery shopping when Taehyung called her. She quickly answered upon seeing his name on the caller ID, my Taehyungie 💙.

“Hello!” She answered.

“Where are you?” He asked.

“I told you I was going to buy groceries.”

“And I’m here at the store entrance that’s why I’m asking.”

“Oh! I’m at the vegetable section.”

“Alright! I’m coming.”

She ended the call and proceeded to pick some peppers. And she was looking over the cucumbers when she felt someone hug her from the back. She was a bit surprised before she whiffed his familiar scent.

“You did not even budge.” He said, his breath hitting the side of her neck.

“Why would I? I knew it was you.” She answered nonchalantly as she continued picking other vegetables. He was still stuck on her back as they moved forward.

He swiftly turned her to face him. “How sure were you that it was me?”

She held his waist and sniffed the air around him. “I was already familiar with this perfume of yours. It is quite unique. So don’t ever change it without telling me. Plus, I like it.”

“But what if it was someone else? Some other guy could be wearing the same perfume for all we know.”

She turned her back at him and grabbed both of his arms to put herself in his embrace. Then she leaned on his chest and closed her eyes as she spoke.

“This. It won’t ever be the same. Only you can give me this kind of feeling.” She said before opening her eyes and smiling at him.

He kissed her forehead before releasing her. “Alright.”

Then he grabbed her cart and walked away with it.

“Wait! Oppa, are you blushing?” She picked a tomato and ran after him. “Wow! Your face is as red as this tomato.” She teased.

“Stop it Rosie.” He shyly answered.

“That isn’t the way. Let’s go to the meat section.” She said.

When they reached the meat section, she almost regretted bringing him there. Because they only fought over the amount of meat that he wanted to buy.

“I’m telling you, that’s really too much. I can’t consume everything over the course of the week.”

“Then I’ll help you.” He grinned. “Are you never going to invite me over your apartment?”

“I, uh . . . I was planning to do so after this. I was going to cook dinner for us.”

“What are we having?”

“How does braised beef short ribs sound?”

“I’d like that.”

“Good to know.”

They went to pick snacks next. And Roseanne felt like she was accompanied by a kid instead of her boyfriend. Because he was almost filling the cart with snacks. So she returns the extra every time he picks too much.

When he finally noticed what she was doing, he abruptly turned towards her. “What are you doing?” He cried.

“You are really putting too much.” She retorted.

“No, that’s enough for the two of us since I’ll be coming to your apartment as much as I can now.”

And he left without waiting for her to answer.

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