Chapter 60

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Author's Note


I terribly am. I hope this chapter was worth the wait. ❤

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Roseanne’s POV

I knew something was off from the way Taehyung looked distracted the whole day. I wanted to ask him about it but he would have told me already if he wanted to talk about it. So I let him be and tried to cheer him up. I guess it somehow worked until I asked him to go back to the hotel right after our dinner.

He did not protest but I guessed he was not happy that I cut our date short. We initially planned to go somewhere else after dinner but I thought he was already tired so I suggested that we go back to the hotel earlier than planned. But the frown on his face as we drove back to the hotel was telling me another story.

He was seemingly upset when he barely talked to me even when we got back inside our room. Then he settled on the bed right after he took a shower.

I was brushing my hair and preparing myself to sleep. I sighed, looking at Taehyung’s reflection on the mirror. He was lying down sideways with his back facing me but I could clearly see that he was not relaxed at all. His position looked awkward and uncomfortable. So I quickly finished what I was doing and went to bed.

I turned his body around so that Taehyung will be lying down with his back flat on the bed. Then I gave him a kiss on the cheek before I lied down beside him. It took me a while before sleep took over me.

The next morning, I was woken up with a pair of lips leaving light kisses all over my face. I hummed in satisfaction and put my hands up with my eyes still closed. I felt myself being pulled up. Then I wore the brightest smile on my face when my eyes fully opened. For a brief moment, I thought that I could fairly compete with the rising sun outside. And I would fight anyone who would say otherwise because my mornings had been the brightest whenever I was greeted with the face of my favourite person in the world, my Kim Taehyung.

“Have I told you . . .” I started to say before I shrieked in surprise.

Taehyung scooped me up from the bed and brought me out to the balcony.

“We’re just in time.” He whispered before putting me down.

We stood there as we saw the purplish blue sky starting to fade with the rising sun below. Pink, orange and yellow colours were slowly being painted on the vast sky as the sun rose up and brightened the surroundings. And I was still immersed with the beauty in front of me when I heard Taehyung faking a cough as he tried to catch my attention.

I turned to him and gasped in surprise when I saw him kneeling down on one knee with a blue velvet box on his hand.

“Before I disappoint you . . .”He smirked before continuing. “I am NOT YET proposing.”

Hearing that made me feel relieved and a little bit disappointed. And before I could react, he continued talking.

“I knew it’s too soon for that. Although I can’t say I haven’t thought of it a couple of times whenever some guy lingers around you, especially that Chanyeol.”

I squinted at him.

“I’m sorry I was getting off track. Anyways . . . I did not know how serious this would turn out.” He gulped before continuing. “Just like the sun that never fails to rise up every day, I am doing this to make the same promise to you. My Rosie, Roseanne, Park Chaeyoung, I promise to love and choose no one else but you every single day for the rest of my life. And it may seem that I’m forcing you to make the same promise but heck I couldn’t care less. I’d even beg you if I have to.”

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