Chapter 46

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When Roseanne opened her eyes, Taehyung was holding her hand while sitting on a chair beside her bed with his head leaning on his own arm. He was sleeping. And she smiled at the sight of him.

She was not sure how long she was unconscious after the surgery. And she wondered how Taehyung was doing while waiting for her to wake up. He must have been worried about her. And she was glad to see him sleeping peacefully at the moment.

She quickly turned her head when the door to her room opened and her brother got inside. Jimin was surprised to meet her gaze but was glad at the same time.

“Oh! You’re awake. Let me call for your doctor first.” He calmly said before pressing the nurse call button, telling the nurse that Roseanne was already awake.

“Thank you Oppa!” Roseanne said.

“What will you do without me? Your boyfriend is even sleeping soundly without a care in the world.” Jimin jokingly commented.

Roseanne scrunched her face after hearing Jimin’s comment before looking at Taehyung. She stifled a chuckle while carefully stroking her boyfriend’s hair.

“He was so worried about you. You were unconscious for almost two days. I had to fight him last night to go home and take a proper rest. But it seemed that he’s still as stubborn as ever.” Jimin explained.

“He’s been here the whole time?” Roseanne surprisingly asked.

“Yeah, he took a leave of absence at work and insisted on taking care of you.” He put his arms across his chest before continuing. “If I know, he was just trying hard on making a good impression on Eomma and Appa.”

“He was?” She beamed, happy to hear what Jimin revealed.

Jimin sneered, feeling a bit annoyed at Roseane’s reaction. He mentioned it to ridicule Taehyung but it impressed Roseanne instead. He was about to say something when he was interrupted by the doctor and nurse who came inside the room.

The presence of the doctor and nurse alerted Taehyung. He stirred in his sleep and slowly straightened up to sit properly. He smiled at seeing Roseanne awake and seemingly fine while talking to her doctor. Then he gently squeezed her hand before paying attention to the conversation between Roseanne and the doctor.

The doctor checked her vital signs and asked how Roseanne was doing. When the doctor found no problem with her, Roseanne was advised for discharge. She was told to come back a week after for a check-up and was reminded to show up for her regular check-ups. Then the doctor and nurse left afterwards.

Jimin left with the doctor and nurse to process Roseanne’s discharge papers while Taehyung was left to accompany Roseanne.

“So how are you?” Roseanne asked.

“Wow! Aren’t you sweet?” Taehyung chuckled and pinched his girlfriend’s nose. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?”

“Well, you already heard how I was from my talk with the doctor. And I heard from Jimin-oppa that you weren’t taking care of yourself. Is that true?”

“Why would he say that? Don’t listen to your brother. He’s just messing up with me. You know how he gets a little too jealous sometimes.”

“Be honest with me Tae, have you been staying in the hospital since after my surgery?”

“Well of course, I visited you every day.”

“That’s not what I heard.”

“Fine! You can’t possibly expect me to relax in my apartment while you’re lying here unconscious. Wouldn’t you feel the same if you were in my shoes?”

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