Chapter 38

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Author's Note

And because I promised you this, here's another update. 😉

It's also to thank you all for your support on this story. It already reached 7k reads and 500 votes. And I know I've said it a lot but it's still true that I can't thank you all enough. So . . . THANK YOU! 😘

Now may you enjoy this chapter!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

“KIM TAEHYUNG!” Roseanne cried. “You didn’t have to do that to prove your point.”

Taehyung laughed at the other end of the line.

“Hon, it was sweet. Too sweet I could be diabetic by now. And I’m grateful. I was really touched by everything you said in there. Actually if you’re within reach right now, I would hug you so tight and pepper your face with kisses.”

He chuckled. “Really? You will do that?”

“Of course! I wish you’re . . .”

“Then would you be so kind and meet me on the café across the University?”

“Huh?! Are you . . .”

“Rosie.” He whined. “I’m waiting for your promised hug and kisses. Where are you?”

“Alright, alright. I’m coming. And . . . Oh, did I already tell you I love you? Because I do. I love you my Taehyungie.” She answered with a wide smile plastered on her face.

“Sweetie, will you show up already? You’re only making me impatient by the minute. Should I run to you instead? I really won’t mind.”

She giggled at his answer. “Geez! I never knew you were the impatient type.”

He laughed. “I’m not! And you know that.”

And she said with an understanding smile, “Yeah, I know.”

… … … … …

Taehyung immediately looked up when he heard the sound of the wind chime hanging by the door. And his eyes met the woman who made him act irrationally for the sole reason that he somehow made her upset.

For the first time, he did not go back to the office right after his meeting with his client. Usually whenever he had meetings outside the office he comes right back to the office after the meeting. But that day was different. He realized how he was at the mercy of Roseanne even without her doing anything.

When she beamed at him, he was reminded why he was doing the things he was doing for her.

Because all I want is to keep that beautiful smile on her face.

And she didn’t give him a chance to speak when she suddenly pulled him from his seat and dragged him to where his car was parked.

While standing beside his car, she wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. Then she showered his face with quick kisses before giving his lips a breathtaking kiss.

“I would have done that right inside the café only if I didn’t restrain myself.” She whispered in her hoarse voice.

He chuckled. “And I would have loved it if you didn’t restrain yourself.”

“I doubt that. Or you wouldn’t restrain yourself as much as I did.” She smirked before eyeing the growing bulge on his pants.

“Shit!” He muttered after following where her eyes were directed at.

She's Off Limits ¦ taeroseWhere stories live. Discover now