Chapter 50

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Taehyung’s POV

I just reached Hoseok’s coffee shop and saw Jimin already waiting for me at a table on the far corner of the shop. He was talking to Hoseok who was sitting across from him. I was getting anxious as I was approaching them when I noticed the solemn look on Jimin’s face. So I quickened my pace towards them.

“Jimin.” I called Jimin’s attention as soon as I took a seat beside him. Then I briefly nod at Hoseok before looking back at Jimin. “What’s going on?”

In response, Jimin gave me his phone and showed me a text from Roseanne.

Chaeng 🐷
Oppa, I might not be coming home tonight so don’t wait up for me. I’m fine so try not to worry, alright? I love you! 😘

“So where is she?” I asked.

“I don’t know either. She sent her text about an hour ago when I was in the middle of a meeting. And I only read her text after the meeting. After I read her message, I tried contacting her to no avail. Then I called you right after. Did something happen between the two of you?”

“No. She didn’t contact me the whole day and the last time we talked was this morning. I swear everything was fine between us when we parted ways. And I didn’t think much of it knowing that she still had a few more things to comply at the university before the holiday break.”

“Good for you. For once, you listened to what I’ve been telling you.” Jimin interjected.

“Yeah I did but I wished I didn’t. ‘Coz now we both don’t know where she is. I already went to the university to see her after realizing that I can’t contact her at all. But she wasn’t there. Jimin, I’m not sure what’s happening here.” I added.

“How about the girls, have you contacted any of them?” Jimin asked.

“Um, no I didn’t call anyone else yet. I wanted to talk to you first.”

“Hmm. Then maybe we should do it now.”

Jimin said before getting his phone and dialling Lisa’s number. He put the call on loudspeaker.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

“Hello! Hyung!” Jungkook answered from the other end of the line. “Lisa is in the middle of a photo shoot right now. I have her phone. Why are you calling her?”

“We’re looking for Chaeng. She’s kind of missing at the moment. Taehyung doesn’t even know where she is either. So we were hoping that Lisa has an idea of her whereabouts.”

“Uh, Lisa is still really busy right now.”

“I see.” Jimin answered after heaving a deep sigh.

“What do you mean Roseanne is missing? Is she really?” Jungkook asked.

Jungkook’s question made me think twice about the entire situation.

If she’s not missing then where is she? Is she hiding? It’s quite odd but that’s the only other logical explanation I can think of regarding everything that’s happening right now.

“But . . . I can probably check her messages. ‘Coz this is kind of an emergency right? I mean . . . a missing Roseanne is definitely an emergency. So I’ll do it for you, Hyung. Give me a minute.” Jungkook suggested.

“Jungkook I don’t think Lisa will be happy to know that you’re snooping on her phone right now. But if you’ll take the risk, I totally won’t mind.” Jimin answered after giving me and Hoseok a knowing look.

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