Chapter 41

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Even after Jimin left, Taehyung and Roseanne were still acting awkwardly with each other. They did not talk much as they waited for Roseanne’s turn to have her checkup. And while talking to the doctor, Taehyung did not talk at all. He was only listening carefully to the conversation between Roseanne and her doctor.

And as promised, Roseanne immediately called Jimin to inform him that she was scheduled for surgery next week.

“Yes, Oppa. Bye!”

Roseanne took in a deep breath before facing Taehyung.

“Um, let’s go?” She asked, catching Taehyung’s attention who was absorbed in texting someone.

“Where to?” He asked back after keeping his phone inside his pocket. Then he started the car engine and drove out of the parking area.

Instead of answering his question, she asked him about the person he was texting earlier.

“That was Woojin, my assistant. I just made sure he understood everything he needs to do for today.”

“You’re not going back to work?”

“I’m not. Are you going to the university today?”


“Then I’m not going back to work.”

“But you said you’re busy. You should go back. Just drop me off at my apartment.”

He stopped the car by the roadside before turning to face her.

“I’m not going back to work to spend time with you. But it doesn’t seem like you’re happy with the idea.”

“Of course, I’d like that. But I just . . .”

“Why do you keep on pushing me away?”

“What are you talking about?”

“First, you didn’t want me to go with you to your checkup. Now you’re pushing me to go back to work instead of spending time with you.”

“It’s not like that. I was only thinking about you. I knew how busy you were at work. So I only wanted to support you. Why are you overreacting about this?”

“I’m WHAT?!”

“Ugh! Let’s stop this.”

“WHAT?! You want to stop this? Just like that?”

“Huh?! What’s wrong with you?”

“ME?! I’m sure . . .”

“LET’S JUST GO TO MY APARTMENT!!” She yelled in frustration.

Taehyung was shocked at her outburst. So he kept his mouth shut as he drove to her apartment.

After Taehyung parked his car, Roseanne immediately got off the car without waiting for him. Then she hurried to the elevator, ignoring Taehyung who was walking behind her. He was lucky that it took time for the elevator to reach the basement or Roseanne would have surely left him behind.

When they reached her floor, she dashed out of the elevator. And she was clearly still furious at him when she almost shut her front door on his face. If not for his reflex, the door would have hit him square in the face.

“Hey! You almost hit my face with the door.”

“That was my intention!”

“What are you being so angry about? I’m the one who should be feeling that way here.”

“And why is that? I did nothing to you.”

“Besides not wanting to be with me, yeah, you did nothing much.”

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