Chapter 22

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Author's Note

First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH for 2K reads. I can't believe it. But I'm so grateful. I hope you will continue to support this story until the end.

I can't keep my happiness so here's an update as a treat.

Love ya! 😊😘

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Feeling the odd atmosphere in the room, Taehyung spoke up first. “Actually, I can just go back and ask Yoongi one more time about sharing his room for the night. I bet he will agree if I keep on bugging him. Or, I can just wait for Jimin and Hoseok to come back after their partying. I don’t think they’ll come back that late. But if that won’t work, I’m sure I’ll live hearing Lisa and Jungkook being mushy all night. It’s just a couple of hours anyway. So . . . Uh, I’ll go. Goodnight!”

Taehyung walked away before Roseanne can even react to what he said just now.

“Wait!!” Roseanne called. “I’m not sure if you were being sincere about what your monologue just now or if that was your devious way of making me feel guilty for not wanting to share the room with you.”

“You choose. I’ll take whichever works for you.” He grinned.

“Pfft!” Roseanne responded before heading to the bed and lining up some pillows in the middle of the bed. “I’ll stay at the right side and you stay at the left.”

“Thanks.” He responded.

Then Roseanne went to her side of the bed and got under the blanket.

Without looking at him, she said, “I’ll just . . . uh . . . sleep. Goodnight!”

She managed to say before completely hiding herself under the blanket.

Great! I just sounded like my most awkward self. Way to go Roseanne!

Taehyung kept his gaze at Roseanne’s figure under the blanket. He took slow small steps towards the empty space of the bed. He was suddenly feeling nervous at the thought of sleeping beside Roseanne. He smiled amusingly when his eyes landed on the pillows that she placed to separate their sides of the bed.

She watched too many romantic movies. Tsk. I was initially planning to offer sleeping on the couch. But if she insists on this set up, I wouldn’t mind at all. I don’t wanna be rude, right?

An hour later, guilt and remorse began to claw at Taehyung’s consciousness when sleep felt elusive from the time his body landed on the bed.

I should not have been greedy. Sleeping in the same room with her is already too much for me. Why did I not say anything about sleeping on the same bed with her? Now I’m being punished by being unable to sleep. But . . . who can blame me? This is one hell of an opportunity.

Insomnia was starting to kick in on him. Unlike the woman who was softly snoring at the other side of the bed.

He chuckled. “How could she sleep in a situation like this?”

He stopped breathing for a second when he felt her move. She adjusted her sleeping position, causing the blanket to be pulled down and reveal her face.

He instantly glanced down at her. Even when she’s asleep, she effortlessly took his breath away with her angelic beauty.

“This is torture, pure ecstatic torture.” Taehyung groaned.

... ... ... ... ...

In the morning the next day, Taehyung grudgingly opened his eyes when he felt the warm rays of the sun flash against his eyes.

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