Chapter 16

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“You better listen carefully because I don’t like repeating myself. And I don’t want any interruptions. Are we clear?” Roseanne said.

“Yes Ma’am.” Jungkook and Taehyung answered in unison.

She smiled amusedly at them. “Good.”

Lisa was sending me home when she suddenly turned towards the opposite direction of my apartment.

“Lisa, where are we going?”

“You’ll know it when we get there.” She answered mischievously.

“I’m not liking that look on your face Lalisa.”

“You don’t have to, Chaeyoungie. I only want you to have some fun.”

“W-w-wait! Aren’t you meeting Jungkook later?”

“Don’t worry about it. He will surely understand if I tell him the truth.”

“Shut up! You’re telling him nothing.”

“Hmmm. Fine. But that is if you promise to have lots of fun with me tonight.”

“Okay. But shouldn’t we ask the unnies to join us?”

“They have a family gathering to attend to, remember?”

“Oh, yeah right.”

“So it’s just the two of us tonight. Why? Do you have a problem with that?”

“None at all. Let’s go have some fun!”

And before we know it, Lisa and I found ourselves drunkenly dancing our butts off on the dance floor. I felt the world spinning around me as I noticed Lisa jumping up and down, cheering loudly to the upbeat music playing in the background. Then I suddenly had the urge to throw up. So I dragged her to the restroom only to find it packed. We went outside and I did my business on the poor curb.

As I looked at Lisa and myself, anyone could say that we already had enough for the night. So I suggested that we should head back home.

But since we were both wasted, we cannot drive ourselves home. Lisa said we can’t ask Jungkook to fetch us since she technically lied to him earlier. I can’t ask Chanyeol either since he’s out of town, again. And I will never bother Jimin-oppa if I don’t want to be scolded for the rest of my life. So we walked around to look for a nearby café to ease our drunkenness.

When we found one, Lisa was already half asleep by then. She eventually slept on me without touching her coffee. And since I was still a bit tipsy, I drank Lisa’s coffee as well.

So I volunteered to drive since Lisa looked like she won’t be waking up anytime soon. And here I thought my driver’s license was for emergency purposes only. Or could this be considered an emergency?

I was well aware of Lisa’s address. But I can’t be too sure since direction had always been my Achilles heel. So I opened the GPS app on my phone and followed it scrupulously.

“Then you know what happened afterwards.” Roseanne explained.

“Actually, I don’t. And I don’t like the clubbing part the most. But that’s between me and Lisa. What I don’t understand is how you two ended up in that place. That was a couple of blocks away from Lisa’s condo.” Jungkook grumbled.

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