Chapter 25

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The entire week, Taehyung was feeling stressed due to his hectic schedule. But mostly because Roseanne was not answering his calls nor was she responding to his text messages. He would have gone to see her. But these past few days, he was almost always exhausted by the time he got off from work.

He just got off from work when he received a message from Hoseok telling him that Roseanne was in his coffee shop. All the guys found out about his feelings for Roseanne after Jungkook mistakenly sent a picture of her on their group chat.

After Jungkook learned that Roseanne was ignoring his friend, he kept on sending Taehyung candid pictures of her whenever they got together because of Lisa. But one time, he just had to make that mistake.

The rest of the guys made a fuss after hearing the news. They kept on teasing him and asked lots of questions. But he ignored them all. And they never stopped not until Jimin reminded everyone that they were talking about his sister. That shut them up for good.

Though it did not mean that the guys actually stopped the teasing. They just stopped doing it on their group chat. Just like what Hoseok is doing right now. He kept on asking if he was coming to his coffee shop to see Roseanne.

But he was undeniably tired. He did not get much sleep the night before after working overtime to finish the monthly reports. Then earlier today, he barely got a breather from all the meetings he had to attend. He never even had a proper meal the entire day due to the amount of workload that he had to complete by the end of the day.

So he began to type a message, refusing to go to Hoseok's coffee shop. He thought that it was better to deal with Roseanne when he's feeling better. He was about to send his message when Hoseok sent another message. It was a picture of Roseanne where she was smiling so beautifully while sipping her coffee. It was another candid picture. The image was almost pixelated which could mean that the picture was taken from afar.

Food never failed to make her smile.

Then Hoseok sent another picture. The picture was not zoomed in this time. And Roseanne was still happily sipping her coffee. But in the picture, she was sitting across a guy. Taehyung felt that he had seen the guy from somewhere but he was having a hard time identifying the man.

Taehyung did not waste another second after seeing the second picture. He turned his car back and sped up towards Hoseok's coffee shop. He was feeling upset thinking that Roseanne was deliberately ignoring him while she was hanging out with some guy.

Taehyung rushed inside the coffee shop. Then he immediately scanned his eyes around, looking for Roseanne and the guy she was with. He did not even notice Hoseok approaching him.

When he found what he was looking for, he dashed towards them. Hoseok was completely ignored as
Taehyung walked past him. Taehyung's eyes were fixed on the couple sitting just a few feet from them.

"Rosie." He called.

Roseanne looked surprised as she glanced at him. "Taehyung-oppa." She said.

"Can we talk for a minute?"

Roseanne talked to the guy sitting across her and excused herself. Then she followed Taehyung to a table nearby.

"Rosie. I'll go straight to the point. Why were you ignoring me?"

"Why do you think?" She snapped.

"If it's about last time, I already said I was sorry about it."

"Yeah, you did. I've read all your messages."

"Then why are you still mad at me? You've even forgiven Jimin so easily."

She rolled her eyes in response.

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