Chapter 48

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Author's Note

Wow! I haven't updated this soon in a while. But it's my treat to everyone. 😉

THANK YOU for your votes and comments. They inspire me in going on with this story. ❤

And I want to keep on rambling here because I'm kind of not sure how you'll feel about this chapter. 😅

But I'll stop here so . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Roseanne’s POV

I’ve been on the park with Chanyeol for a while now. We weren’t talking to each other. We were just watching the cars running on the road in front of us. It seemed that it was getting late since the number of cars passing by was decreasing as time passed.

I had my phone turned off because my mind was in a haywire right now. I knew deep inside that there had to be some sort of explanation to what I witnessed at Taehyung’s office earlier. I trusted him. And I am more than certain of his feelings for me. But Areum’s words kept ringing in my head.

“Then why are you holding back now? Is it because of her condition?”

What did she mean by that? Was she referring to my heart condition?

“You only pity her Tae. It’s not love anymore.”

Pity? Was that all what he’s feeling for me now? Did he fall out of love from me without me noticing it? Was he staying by my side because of mere pity?

And without me realizing it, hot tears were already gushing out of my eyes. I thought I’ve poured them all at the Han River earlier. But guess I was wrong. Same as I could be wrong with Taehyung.

I could be totally wrong with what I thought I knew about Kim Taehyung.

When I came to think about it, we’ve been together in lesser number of years than the amount of time we’ve been apart. Did I dwell on my feelings too much that I overlooked how much we knew each other?

Oh what am I thinking? I’m becoming ridiculous.

I covered my face with both hands while bending my body forward. I rested my elbows on my knees as I continued crying. Then I felt Chanyeol’s hand gently patting my back.

As I cried, Chanyeol slowly pulled me towards him. He hugged me sideways while I leaned my head on his chest. I was crying with my tears soaking his shirt wet. But he didn’t seem to mind as he kept on trying to comfort me by rubbing his hand up and down my arm.

Then it struck me how this scene felt so familiar. Well . . . how could I forget? When I got my heart broken by Chanyeol, Taehyung gave me his shoulder to cry on. Now it’s the other way around.

I stifled a laugh. It’s not that I found the situation funny. No, not at all. But there’s nothing else I can do about this. Not when I’m being a coward at the moment and hiding from Taehyung who must be worried about me right now.

No one else knew my whereabouts now but Chanyeol. Before I decided to turn my phone off, I sent my brother a quick text to tell him that I wasn’t going home today. It was a simple message meant to keep him from worrying about me. But knowing him, I’m sure he was anything but calm.

Aside from the girls, Jimin-oppa was one of those people that I’d run to whenever I had problems. But I can’t do that this time. Not when Taehyung was my problem. They’re best friends. Causing a conflict between them back in high school was more than enough for a lifetime. Especially when I’m not entirely sure if there’s even a problem to begin with, I can’t tell him anything yet.

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