Chapter 35

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I can't believe it! This story already reached 6k reads. Thank you!! I truly appreciate all your support.

To be honest, I was planning for this story to be until 35 chapters only. But now I'm just inspired to keep on going with this. So I hope you'll continue voting and posting comments. I'd love to know what you all think. 😘

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Taehyung was frowning as he opened the door to Jimin’s office. While the same kind of expression can be seen on Jimin’s face as he welcomed his friend.

“What now?” Jimin spat at Taehyung.

Without caring to respond, Taehyung sprawled out on the couch.

Jimin heaved a deep sigh before saying, “So?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I’m just overreacting.”

“I’m sure you are. There’s no need for you to worry.” Jimin answered nonchalantly.

But it seemed that Taehyung did not hear him when he said, “But why won’t she tell me what’s keeping her busy at the university? She won’t even let me fetch her. She said that she doesn’t want to trouble me.”

“Then what’s the problem? Maybe she’s just . . .”

Before Jimin can even finish what he was trying to say, Taehyung proceeded with his monologue.

“Don’t get me wrong. I trust your sister, Jimin.”

“Well, you should. She’s a trustworthy person.”

“Still, I can’t help worrying about it. Her behavior is unusual these past few days. Ugh!” Taehyung said before getting up to directly face Jimin. “Were you listening? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

Jimin’s eyes darted at Taehyung while the corner of his mouth twitch in annoyance. Then he lightly massaged the back of his neck to calm himself down before answering Taehyung’s questions.

“WHAT?!” Taehyung asked, still clueless of the reason behind Jimin’s reaction.

“Why do I even bother?” Jimin told himself.

“Jimin.” Taehyung called. “Don’t ignore me.”

Jimin took a deep breath before saying, “What do you want me to say?”

Sadness overtook his face when Taehyung answered, “Tell me what to do.”

“Fine. So listen carefully.” Jimin said.

In response, Taehyung enthusiastically nodded his head.

“When she’s occupied with something important, she sometimes keep to herself to avoid any distraction. And it looked like you may be that distraction for her. So I suggest, leave her be. If you truly trust her . . .”

Taehyung suddenly stood up. “You are right. She’s acting that way because she doesn’t want to worry me. But I should support her.”

“Huh?!” Jimin scoffed before standing up in frustration. “Were you even listening at all?!” He yelled.

Taehyung was taken aback at Jimin’s unexpected outburst.

“Dude! You should really quit inhaling coffee all day. It’s clearly not doing you good. Now, I have to go. Sorry for troubling you. Bye!”

And before Jimin can react, Taehyung rushed out.

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