Chapter 45

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Author's Note

10K READS!!! O. M. G. 🙀😳

THANK YOU! That's all I wanna tell everyone who's reading this story. I'm really really grateful. Thank you so much.


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It was the day of Roseanne's heart surgery. She went through a couple of medical tests before she was brought back to her room. Along with two nurses who gave her assistance, they found Taehyung all by himself inside the room.

He looked at them the moment he heard the opening of the door, peeling his eyes away from the magazine that he read out of boredom. He abruptly stood up to help the nurse who was pushing Roseanne on the wheelchair. Taehyung and the nurse helped Roseanne up from the wheelchair and moved her to the bed. Roseanne still had at most two hours to take a rest and prepare herself before the surgery.

After making sure that Roseanne was already comfortable with her position on the bed, the other nurse spoke up to remind Roseanne about some things regarding the surgery. She already knew about these things because it wasn't her first time to undergo such surgery. So she furtively put her attention on Taehyung and the other nurse. The nurse whom Taehyung helped in putting Roseanne to bed was talking to Taehyung. The nurse was obviously flirting with him since she was smiling excessively as they talked.

Not wanting to be rude, Roseanne politely cut short her talk with the nurse who was giving the reminders. She expressed her gratitude to the two nurses for their assistance. But if she'd be honest, she would have literally kicked out the nurse who was flirting with Taehyung a while ago. Then she pulled Taehyung close to her and bid the nurses goodbye.

When the nurses left, Roseanne pushed Taehyung away. She glared at him, forming a knit on her brows.

"WHAT?" He asked.

"No way! You're really asking me that?" She snarled.

"Hon, I honestly don't have an idea what's going on." He softly said while trying to reach out to touch her. But she moved back, rejecting his attempt.

"Stop! Move your filthy hands away from me." She shrieked.

"Rosie, please. You'll be in surgery in a few hours. We don't want to be arguing right now."

"Fine! Help me up then."

Taehyung was amused when Roseanne put her arms over her head. She looked like a helpless baby who was unable to get up by herself. He was grinning when he put his hands on either side of her waist before pulling her to a sitting position. Then he grabbed one pillow and placed it behind her back for her to lean on.

But Roseanne had a different idea. Instead of leaning back on the headboard, she moved closer towards Taehyung and asked him to sit on her bed. She took a deep breath before putting her arms around his neck and pressed her body against him. And without warning, she started sucking on the side of his neck.

Taehyung knew what Roseanne was trying to do. From the way she was sucking on his neck, he was sure that she will successfully leave the kind of mark that she was trying to form. Even though it wasn't the first time she did it on him, he was confused as to why she was suddenly doing this.

He felt as though she was overdoing it since it was starting to hurt. But he cannot deny the pleasure that she was giving him at the same time. He lightly pushed her off from him when he was starting to enjoy what she was doing. He looked at her with a questioning look.

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