Chapter 43

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Taehyung was frowning when he went back to where the rest of the group were seated. Together with Jimin and Seulgi, they all came to support Roseanne on this event that she organized with Chanyeol. Jungkook, Lisa, Jisoo and Jennie will catch up with them a bit later. The event was the annual music showcase where some students from the Music department were given a chance to perform in front of a big audience.

Roseanne had been busy the entire day that she was not able to answer Taehyung’s calls nor did she respond to most of his texts. And Taehyung paid her a visit at the backstage since he wanted to check up on her. But he was disappointed when she hardly acknowledged his presence and asked him to go back in front.

“What’s with the long face?” Jimin asked after Taehyung took the seat beside him.

“She did not want to talk to me Jimin.” Taehyung whined.

Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyung. “Didn’t I already tell you not to disturb her when she’s busy?”

“But I only wanted to check up on her. We barely talked the whole day so I wanted to at least see her.”

“And you already saw her. How is she?”

“She’s doing fine and still looking gorgeous despite the weariness etched on her face.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

Taehyung cried, “She was with Chanyeol the whole time.”

“Well, it’s probably because she’s organizing this event with Chanyeol as her partner.” Jimin mockingly answered.

“Of course that’s the only reason that she’s spending time with him.” Taehyung answered defensively.

“Then what are you getting so jealous about?”


“So stop whining like a child just because my sister can’t attend to you right now.”

“Pfft! Don’t act like you weren’t acting the same way when Seul...”

Jimin quickly covered Taehyung’s mouth before he can finish what he was about to say. He looked at Seulgi who was seating on the other side of him. He sighed in relief when the clueless woman was occupied with her phone at the moment. Then Jimin snapped his head at Taehyung, boring holes into the latter’s face with his intense glare.

“Oops! Sorry. I forgot it wasn’t just the two of us.”

Jimin only scoffed in response.

… … … … …

After twelve performances and two intermission dance numbers in between, the host talked about a special performance to commemorate the successful event.

“Without further ado, let us all welcome the organizers of this successful event. Our very own, Ms. Park Roseanne and Mr. Park Chanyeol.”

The curtains opened to reveal Chanyeol sitting in front of a portable keyboard while Roseanne was sitting a few feet from him with an acoustic guitar on her lap. They both smiled at the audience and at each other before starting their performance.

They sang I Was Made for Loving You by Tori Kelly and Ed Sheeran. Roseanne’s soft soulful voice blended well with Chanyeol’s deep soothing voice. And aside from sounding good together, they also looked good on stage as they rocked their performance. They shared warm glances at each other every time they sang the chorus where they both sang at the same time.

The majority of the audience applauded and cheered after the performance. But the minority, being Taehyung and his companions, were awkwardly silent ever since Roseanne and Chanyeol appeared on stage. They were entertained at the performance but they were all surprised at the same time. It seemed that Roseanne told no one regarding that special performance.

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