Chapter 11

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Author's Note

This may seem like a filler chapter. My apologies in advance. But I'd like to give you a glimpse of Roseanne and Chanyeol's love story. 😍

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It was Roseanne's first day as a teacher in the university. She was totally anxious as she studied the lesson for her first class later in the day. She was crouching on her desk when she felt a light tap on her shoulder.


"Chanyeol Sunbae."

"Ugh! When will you stop calling me that? I already told you to drop the formalities. I honestly won't mind."

"I don't think so. We're not exactly . . ."

"Today's your first day, right?" He interrupted.


"So, how was your first class?"

"My class is still in two hours but I'm already a nervous wreck. I'm not sure how I can handle it."

"Hmmm. I'm going to my class now. Why don't you sit in and observe? I'm not that good of a teacher. But maybe you can learn from it somehow."

"Really? You won't mind?"

"In one condition . . ."

"What is it?"

"You should stop calling me sunbae."

"Sunbae . . . I really don't think I can do that."

He put his hands together and looked at her earnestly straight in the eyes. "Please? Now that you're part of the faculty, I am glad to finally have someone whose age was close to mine. I've honestly had a hard time keeping up with the others these past few years because of the generation gap."

"Fine." She answered weakly.

He gave her a wide smile before pulling her to his class.

He introduced her to his class and informed them that she will be sitting in to observe. He even threatened his students to behave and not to embarrass him in front of her. Then he winked at her before proceeding to start the class.

As expected, the class went smoothly. Roseanne was grateful that Chanyeol allowed her to observe his class because she actually learned a lot from him.

After his class, he insisted on walking her to her classroom.

"Sunbae . . ." She started before Chanyeol raised his palm in front of her face.

"I thought we already had an agreement." He pouted.

She giggled. "Oops! Sorry. Anyway, I really appreciate your help today. I hope I'll do well in my class."

"I'm sure you will. Fighting!"

"Fighting!" She beamed.

... ... ... ... ...

Roseanne was heading home from Lisa's condo when a heavy rain poured out of the blue. She cursed under her breath as she ran towards the waiting shed. She wiped herself off and grumbled why she had to be rained down on top of her sullen mood that day.

Then she saw a hand holding a cup of hot chocolate appear right before her eyes. She was surprised when she saw the person in front of her.

"Chanyeol-ssi." She whispered. "What are you doing here?"

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