Chapter 56

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Author's Note

Thank you for still supporting this story. You make me so glad, especially with your votes and comments that I read though I don't always respond to. THANK YOU!


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Roseanne had been sending death glares to the woman talking to Taehyung.  They were currently at a ski resort together with the rest of BTS and her, Victoria. Taehyung introduced the two women last night, telling Roseanne that Victoria was his very first friend when they migrated to Canada. Victoria’s family lived next door to them and the two went to the same university during college so they naturally became friends.

Victoria was a year younger than Roseanne so it was annoying Roseanne how Taehyung was taking care of the girl like a big brother. When in Roseanne’s standpoint, Victoria was basically flirting with her boyfriend.

“Pfft! I can’t ski, my ass.” Roseanne whispered irritatingly at Jungkook, who was stuck to look after Roseanne when Jimin left with the rest of the guys and went to ski ahead. “How could she not when she got every opportunity to learn how to considering this village was only a two-hour drive from the city.”

Roseanne refused to ski with them because she insisted on keeping an eye on Taehyung and Victoria. Taehyung was teaching Victoria how to ski when the latter whined about not knowing how to ski properly.

“Or we could have gotten an instructor for her.” Roseanne continued grumbling. “Better yet, she shouldn’t have come if she didn’t know how to ski in the first place.”

“Roseanne!” Jungkook cried. “Why are you acting like this? Don’t act too jealous like you don’t trust Taehyung-hyung.”

Roseanne pouted at Jungkook. “Of course I trust him. It’s that bitch I don’t trust.” She spat out her words.

“Fine! But isn’t it enough that you trust him? So let us leave them be and have fun on our own. Please, I beg of you.” He pleaded.

“I’m definitely telling Lisa you were flirting with the receptionist earlier.” She exclaimed before she went skiing without warning.

Jungkook was left in awe at how Roseanne gracefully left his side.

“Hey, wait for me!” He called after her.

… … … … …

After doing all sorts of activities, everyone gathered at the cafeteria so they can have an early dinner before they head home. Roseanne and Jungkook came together after everyone else did. The two were playfully bantering when they entered the place, looking like they became the best of friends that day.

“It looks like the two of you had a great time today!” Jimin commented after Roseanne and Jungkook took their seats on either side of him.

“We totally did.” Jungkook cheerfully answered. “I didn’t know Roseanne was a regular at ski resorts that we were able to do lots of fun things together.”

As Jungkook was telling everyone what they did the whole day, Roseanne was eyeing Jungkook, trying to shut him up. But Jungkook was clueless to what Roseanne meant with her stares so he continued babbling about the activities he was able to do for the first time due to Roseanne’s familiarity with such place.

“Really? When did you learn how to ski? From what I remember, you were even struggling to snowboard when we went skiing in Japan two years ago. And I didn’t know you went skiing recently.” Jimin asked Roseanne with his brows meeting in the middle.

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