Chapter 47

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Despite her doctor’s advice to rest, Roseanne still chose to continue going to the university since there was only a week left before the holiday break. She said that she wanted to finish the work that she left behind before her surgery. Also, she wanted to catch up on the lessons that she missed from her graduate classes.

Since she was staying at her family’s house for the mean time, she got to spend more time with them. They even ate breakfast together as a complete family after a long time. Not only their stomachs were filled with delicious food but they were also satisfied with their catching up on each other. Although they constantly communicate and see each other from time to time, Roseanne still felt happy to be at home and sharing a meal with her family.

After breakfast, Roseanne’s parents immediately left for work.

“Chaeng, can you hurry up? Or we’ll both be late at work.” Jimin shouted as he walked to the garage.

Roseanne hurriedly followed her brother.

She explained, “Oppa, you can go ahead. Taehyung said he’s going to bring me to and from work starting today.”

“He only realized the need of that now? Pfft!” He snickered.

“No. He offered to do that on our first week into the relationship but I refused. He didn’t need to go out of his way every day when I only live a few blocks from the university. It’s totally unnecessary and I didn’t want to be a hassle to him.”

“Wow! You’re even defending him now.”

“Well, only when I need to.” She grinned before lightly pecking Jimin’s cheek. “Drive safely oppa. I love you!”

“I love you too. But I hate it that you don’t need me as much you did before. You have Taehyung now.”

“Oppa why are you being dramatic so early in the morning?” She whined.

“I’m not. Sorry.” Jimin reached out to ruffle Roseanne’s hair. “Are you sure Taehyung is coming for you?”

“Yeah. He said he was already on his way.”

“Alright, I’ll go ahead. See you later.”

“See you!”

… … … … …

Taehyung was dropping Roseanne off in front of the university.

“I’m not particularly fond of having the surgery. But if it made you this extra sweet to me, I might start to think otherwise.” Roseanne grinned while looking directly at Taehyung.

“Why do you always have a way of making it sound like I’m not treating you well?” Taehyung grumbled. “Anybody who will hear you might think that I’m being a bad boyfriend to you.”

“Oops!” She giggled while covering her lips with her hand. “Is my Tae-Tae sulking because of what I said? I’m sorry. I was just teasing you.”

“Not again with that nickname.” He whined.

“Why?” She was already laughing as she asked. “Don’t you like it?”

“It’s not like that.” He heaved a deep sigh before saying. “Fine, call me whatever you want. It doesn’t matter anyway.”

“I knew you’ll like it.” She said before kissing his cheek. “I have to go now. See you later my Taehyungie.” She caressed his cheek and gave him a flirty wink before getting off the car.

Taehyung quickly followed and got off the car as well. Then he called after Roseanne.

“Rosie, baby!” He shouted.

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