Chapter 58

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Author's Note

WOW. Thank you for 15k reads and 1K+ votes! 😘 I'm not sure if I already said my thanks for the votes but I'm grateful. So THANK YOU! ❤

And sorry for the very late update. I was busy the past week. Hope you're still hanging on there. 😅

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Taehyung was walking hand in hand with Roseanne as they were approaching Chanyeol who was standing in front of the ticketing booth. When Chanyeol perked up and smiled at Roseanne when they were nearing him, Taehyung's thoughts were instantly filled with criticisms directed at Chanyeol. But his thoughts were immediately replaced with remorse after realizing what Roseanne and Chanyeol were talking about. The two were happily talking about how excited they were about the seminar, especially the workshops that were included in between the talks.

Taehyung was dumbfounded as he stared at Roseanne and Chanyeol who were lost in their conversation. He felt like the two were talking in a language that he didn't understand. And the jealousy that he felt a minute ago drifted back to the surface. Although this time it was for a different reason. He was jealous of the undeniable connection that Chanyeol had with Roseanne because of their same interest which was music.

Taehyung knew that he and Roseanne were bound in a dozen more ways than the link between Roseanne and Chanyeol. Still, he couldn't help himself from getting jealous over the man. Chanyeol was the man who happened to be there when he wasn't, even in some critical cimcumstances when Taehyung was already back in Korea. Chanyeol was the man who side-tracked Roseanne from him. And if the guy didn't turn out to be a jerk, Chanyeol was the kind of man who would do well in taking care of Roseanne.

Roseanne and Chanyeol were already talking about their itinerary when Taehyung felt Roseanne stepping closer to him, leaving only an inch of a gap between them. He grinned, looking down at his girlfriend who was trying to cling on to him. Knowing what she wanted, Taehyung let go of Roseanne's hand before he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Then Roseanne encircled her arm around Taehyung and leaned her head on his chest.

Out of nowhere, Chanyeol groaned in annoyance. "Ugh! I shouldn't have sent Hayeon home early."

Taehyung reflexively moved Roseanne behind him when Chanyeol extended his hand towards the couple.

Chanyeol was softly laughing when he said, "Hand me Roseanne's bag so that you lovebirds can say your proper goodbyes and I may take my envious self away."

Taehyung hesitantly gave Chanyeol Roseanne's carry-on luggage. Then Chanyeol turned his back at them without another word. Right after Chanyeol walked away, Roseanne tightly hugged Taehyung and buried her face on his chest mumbling her words of affection. And Taehyung responded by hugging his girlfriend in the same manner, as if he wasn't ever letting her go.

"Just say the word and I'll take you out of here in no time." Taehyung whispered.

Roseanne giggled and looked up to meet Taehyung's gaze. "I've thought about that but I still wanted to attend this seminar." She answered with a pout on her face.

He raised a hand to caress Roseanne's cheek, "Then you must go before I make you change my mind."

"Tae!!" She whined. "Now I'm already thinking about it."

He laughed at her. "I didn't think I'd be the one saying this because you're the one who is going away . . . with your ex-boyfriend."

She opened he mouth to protest but he gave her a quick kiss on the lips to keep her from talking.

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