Chapter 18

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As Taehyung and Roseanne looked at the river before them, they were both brought back to that particular memory in their past.

“I WON! Woohoo!” Taehyung cheered, teasing Roseanne who was lagging behind on her bike.

“You cheated!” She said in between her heavy breathing.

“I did not. You’re just a slowpoke.” He answered while making faces at her.

Roseanne chuckled at his silliness as she slumped down on the ground. She felt that she overdid herself today.

He immediately approached her and checked up on her. “Hey! Roseanne! Are you alright?” He worriedly asked.

“Never been better.” She answered with a wide smile on her face.

“If you say so.” He responded as he lied down beside her.

Their summer break was about come to an end. Both Taehyung and Roseanne had a lot of things that they wanted to talk about with each other before they go their separate ways. But no one initiated such conversation. So instead of doing what they were meant to do, they remained lying beside each other in complete silence.

Then Roseanne heaved a deep sigh.

“What was that for?” He asked.

“I’m just sad that I’ll be going back to Seoul tomorrow.”

“Why? Don’t you miss your family and friends back there?”

“Of course I did. But then I’ll miss . . . this place.”

And I’ll miss you Taehyung-oppa.

“Yeah, I can totally relate. I’ll miss this place too.”

But I will miss you a lot more, Roseanne.

Before Taehyung can think through what he was about to do, he did it spontaneously. He gradually moved his hand closer to Roseanne’s. When he felt that her hand was already close enough, he grabbed her hand before he can think twice. He felt his heartbeat sped up as he waited for her reaction. From the corner of his eye, he saw her eyes widen in surprise at his action. Then she slowly relaxed as he felt her adjust the way their hands were clasped together.

“How many years has it been since we last visited this place together?”

His voice brought her back to the present.

“Uh . . . About eight years?” She murmured.

“Yeah, it has been that long.” He responded as he tightened his hold on her hand.

She looked at their clasped hands in surprise.

Wait! How did we . . . I was just reminiscing the first time we held hands. But I don’t remember how we held hands just now.

Taehyung stifled his chuckle. He was amused at how Roseanne’s reaction was exactly the same as before. She still looked as cute with her eyes widened in surprise at their clasped hands.

But Taehyung was struck dumb when Roseanne did exactly the same as she did back then. She took a deep breath and adjusted her hold on his hand.

They both smiled blushingly as they glanced at their clasped hands while avoiding each other’s gazes.

All of a sudden, a heavy rainfall poured down on them.

They looked at each other in surprise.

“Let’s go under the tree.” Taehyung said before pulling Roseanne towards the tree.

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