Chapter 40

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Roseanne just talked to her parents about her surgery. Taehyung insisted to accompany her but she declined. And she was glad that she didn't bring him with her. Or her parents would most likely berate her for telling her boyfriend about the surgery before her own family.

Her parents felt bad that she didn't tell them as soon as she found out about it. However, they were more understanding than Jimin was. They only told her to pay a visit to her doctor and set the schedule for her surgery as soon as possible.

After talking to her parents, Roseanne dragged herself to Jimin's room. She paced back and forth in front of his room. She knew she needed to talk to him but she was feeling cowardly at the moment. The disappointed look on his face when he left her apartment last time was still vivid on her mind. She belatedly realized the severity of her mistake.

She was blankly staring at the door when it unexpectedly opened.

"Staring won't help. The door won't magically open by itself just by thinking about opening it." Jimin scoffed.

He left the door opened wide and went back inside his room.

She was still surprised at what just happened that she was left rooted to the spot.

He was sitting on his bed, his legs were stretched comfortably while leaning his back on the headboard with a book on his hand.

Then he snapped his head at her, "If you're not coming in . . ."

Before he can finish his sentence, she quickly got inside and shut the door behind her.

He got back to his reading, not paying her any attention.

"Am I disturbing you?" She asked in a soft whisper. "Because I can just go back later."

"Then what? You'll continue stressing yourself outside my door?"

She was taken aback at his answer. "You noticed?"

He grabbed his phone to check on something before answering her.

"You've been there for about 7 minutes. You're lucky I'm impatient or I wouldn't have cared how long it will take you to knock on the door."

She grinned. "But you can never not care for me. I'm your younger sister after all."

"Whatever! What do you need?"

"Oppa!" She cooed.

He spat at her. "So I'm your oppa now? Thought you already forgotten about it."

"Jimin-oppa . . . are you still mad at me? I'm sorry. I really am." She pouted before taking the space beside him on the bed. "I was really scared when I heard the news. I never ever thought I'd need another surgery. I was almost sure I was taking care of myself."

"By ignoring your doctor, you were clearly not doing well in taking care of yourself."

"I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"For not taking care of myself. And for not telling you sooner."


Looking at Jimin, Roseanne felt the comfort in freely sharing her thoughts to him. "Oppa, I almost thought I was normal like everyone else. When I felt some symptoms, I thought I was just a bit stressed from all the work I had to do. But it wasn't anything like that. With my condition, small things can turn critical in an instant."

Unable to hold back herself, she let her tears run down her cheeks. "I forgot. I totally forgot that I can't ever be like everyone else. Because I'll always be broken. I was born this fragile and I have to live with that."

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