Chapter 32

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Author's Note

5K reads! WOW. 🙀

Thank you sooooo much everyone! I am so grateful for your support in this story. 😘

Please keep doing so. And thanks to those who just added this story to their reading list. Also for voting.

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter. 😉😊

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Taehyung was about to run after Roseanne when Jimin stopped him.

“About what Chaeyoung said just now . . .” Jimin said before Taehyung interrupted him.

“Yes, Jimin. It is true. It’s been almost a month since we started dating.”

“That long? Then why did I learn about this just now?”

“Ask your sister, I’ve been wanting to tell everyone right away.”

“Fine. But why were you flirting with Areum just now?” Jimin growled, not minding that Areum was standing a few feet from them.

“Jimin, I wasn’t. We were just talking.”

Jimin squinted his eyes at him, “You better be telling the truth Tae. Or you’ll know . . .”

“I know. I know. Now can I go? I need to find her. I don’t even know where to start looking for her.”

“She’ll be wandering off the streets. So you better find her fast before she gets harmed.”

Without bothering to respond, Taehyung left to look for Roseanne. He ran around the neighborhood to look for her. But it looked like he was out of luck since he did not see any traces of her. Her phone was of no use since she left it with her friends.

He was about to go back to the house when he received a call from an unknown number. He anxiously accepted the call.

“Hello!” A man’s voice sounded from the other line.

“Who is this?” Taehyung asked.

“It’s doesn’t matter who I am. Just claim your girlfriend here from the convenience store . . . where do you live?” The man seemed to be talking to someone else before he continued. “She said her house is two blocks away from here. You better come right away before I kick her out. She’s shamelessly eating a lot even though she got no money to pay.”

Then the call ended.

Why didn’t I think of that? Where else will she go if not to look for food?

Taehyung hurried to the convenience store. He was still catching his breath when he found Roseanne enjoying herself to a pack of ice cream. When he got inside the store, she quickly looked to the entrance and ran towards him.

“Oppa!” She cried. “What took you so long? This young man right here kept on teasing me. He said that I was just lying about having a boyfriend. He even said that you won’t be coming for me.”

He just grinned at her childishness and ruffled her hair.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m here now.” He said before he walked towards the cashier. “How much does she owe you?”

The young man just gave him the receipts. He looked a bit surprised at the amount he had to pay.

Taehyung turned to Roseanne who was innocently smiling at him.

It has not been thirty minutes since she was gone, but her snacks already totaled to that much. How much would it have been if I delayed coming here? This girl! Really.

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