Chapter 44

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When Taehyung woke up the next day, he was still in the same position that he was the night before. He was lying sideways on the couch. The only difference was the blanket that was placed on top of him.

Hmmm. She’s already awake.

He was about to go to Roseanne’s room when he heard a faint singing from the kitchen. And he was more than certain that it was his girlfriend. So he went to find her in the kitchen instead.

Taehyung was amused at the scene before him. He found Roseanne swaying her hips to the tune of an upbeat song that she was softly singing to herself. She was still in the same shirt that she worn to sleep last night. Her shorts that she was wearing underneath was showing from all the silly movements she was doing.

She was sexiest in his eyes in this particular moment. With her hair in a messy bun, he can openly gaze at her nape. He still thought that her voice was the sexiest attribute that Roseanne had. But since he rarely saw the back of her neck due to her long hair that she loved to let down, he found himself particularly attracted to her whenever she styled her hair in a way that had her nape exposed.

And to complete her charm, she was singing and dancing while flipping a pancake in the air. Afterwards, she carefully put it on top of a stack of pancakes.

If this is what I’ll wake up to every morning, I’d be the luckiest man alive.

Then Roseanne shrieked in surprise when she turned around and saw Taehyung. She was too engrossed in what she was doing that she did not notice his presence behind her. The plate of pancakes almost slipped her hand. So she carefully placed the plate down on a nearby table before all her efforts will be wasted.

With her hands on her hips, she nagged, “Why did you do that? You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“Wow! Good morning to you too.” He answered mockingly.

She heaved a deep sigh after realizing her actions. “Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell at you first thing in the morning.”

Then she walked closer towards Taehyung and engulfed him in a hug.

“I’m sorry.” She said, looking at him with a pout on her face.

“Here we go again. You always do this.”

“Do what?!”

He complained, “Acting cute whenever you’re at the wrong.”

“But I’m not . . . acting cute. I simply am cute. Can’t help it!” She grinned.

“Pfft! I’m not so sure about that. Though I’m quite certain with something else.”


“That you . . . Roseanne Park is a bad girl.” He was pouting when he continued. “You left me hanging again last night. Do you know that what you did is not at all healthy for me?”

“I know. That’s why I feel sorry about last night and prepared breakfast for you. Here.”

She picked up the plate and presented the pancakes that she cooked for him.

Looking at the food in front of him, he grimaced. Then he grabbed the plate from her and put it back to the table.

“No. That’s not enough payment for what you did to me. Besides, I’m hungry for something else.”

A corner of his mouth lifted in a mischievous smile as he considered his plan. In an instant, his arms were securely wrapped around Roseanne’s waist. He effortlessly lifted her over one shoulder.

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