Chapter 15

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“Argh! This is too much.” Roseanne fumed.

“What is it?” Lisa asked.

“He’s checking up on me every hour. What’s his deal?”

“Let me guess, Jimin-oppa?”

Roseanne looked at Lisa dryly, “Nope! He doesn’t do that anymore.”

“Then who is it?”


“Oh! Then what’s the problem?” Jennie interjected as she entered the living room with Jisoo trailing behind her.

Jennie and Jisoo were carrying the snacks that they both prepared. They were nearby when they overheard Roseanne and Lisa’s conversation. The girls were staying at Jisoo and Jennie’s house to spend their afternoon together. It’s been a month since they all got together to hang out.

They’ve been all busy the past month. Roseanne was recovering from her accident. Lisa just got back from Japan from her photo shoot. She was the woman behind the camera, working as a professional photographer. While Jennie and Jisoo had been busy for the launching of their new fashion line. The sisters partnered in their fashion company.

“Isn’t that what you wanted from the start?” Jisoo asked, puzzled at Roseanne’s reaction over Chanyeol’s behavior.

“Well, um . . .” Roseanne slumped herself on the couch and looked up at the ceiling, avoiding the stares that the other girls were attacking her with.

“What is it Chae? Come on, spill it.” Lisa uttered impatiently.

“I don’t know. Ever since that night, a lot of things have changed.” She whispered.

“What particular night is this?” Jennie probed.

“It’s a long story. You don’t want to . . .”

“Park Chaeyoung! Stop teasing us.” Jisoo exclaimed.

“Okay, okay. Geez! Here it goes . . .”

Roseanne told them about spending the day with Taehyung last time she went shopping.

“No way!!”

“You did that?!”

“Chae! OMG”

“Hey! We did nothing wrong.”

“You went on a date with Kim Taehyung.”

“That wasn’t a date!” She sat upright, shocked at Jennie’s accusation.

Jennie looked at her meaningfully. “Whatever you call it Chae, you still went out with your first love. What do you think will Chanyeol feel if he knew about this?”

Roseanne felt the growing lump in her throat as agitation consumed her.

“Chae, what is that look in your face?” Jisoo moved closer towards Roseanne. “There’s more to the story you told us just now.”

Crap! Why can’t I hide anything from these girls?

She wiggled on her seat, unsure how to explain everything to them. Then she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see Jisoo looking at her with eyes full of concern.

“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to. But it’s clearly bothering you and we’re all ready to listen.” She softly said.

Roseanne cleared her throat before speaking up. “While we were having dinner, Chanyeol sent me a text, telling me that he will go straight to my apartment when he comes back to Seoul. So I planned on going home by myself. But Taehyung insisted on sending me home since he brought his car. And as I expected, Chanyeol’s car was parked in front of my apartment building. So I hurriedly went out of Taehyung’s car and rushed inside the building. But before I can get inside, Chanyeol got out of his car and called for me. Then I went to him and he hugged me, in front of Taehyung.”

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