Chapter 42

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Roseanne was almost lying down on the couch while Taehyung was hovering over her. Her eyes were opened wide as she followed his every movement. When he slowly lowered himself to close the gap between them, her uneasiness heightened. So she put her hands on his shoulders to leave some space between them. And they looked at each other directly in the eyes.

What is he planning to do?

Does her lips always looked this pink and tempting?

Now why is he staring at my lips?

Should I just go for it?

She slightly parted her lips to say something. But she was kept from talking when he suddenly pressed his lips on hers. His lips gently started moving, satisfying himself with the feel of her lips against his.

Then he deepened the kiss when she started kissing him back. She put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer, eliminating the remaining space between them. Their bodies were pressed against each other as they shared a passionate kiss.

They were both out of breath when they broke apart. Their current position were making things even more difficult. They can feel the movement of each other's chest as they both try to even their breathing.

He cleared his throat before saying, "Rosie."


"I was, uh . . . Never mind. I can't think of other way but to be straightforward about this."

"What is it?"

"I'm feeling greedy right now and I wish to do beyond kissing with you, would you mind?" He asked without taking his gaze off of her.

She gulped a lump in her throat, staring back at him. And in response to his question, she brushed her lips on the side of his neck. She gave him a soft kiss before pulling back, her eyes avoiding to look back into his.

He was about to dive back into her lips before he stopped midway.

"Shit!" He muttered.

"What?" She asked, confused at the frustrated expression on his face.

He gulped before answering, "I didn't bring protection."

"You . . . what?" She exclaimed before pushing him off of her, causing him to fall on his butt on the floor.

"Ouch! Did you have to push me that hard?"

She looked at him with an apologetic smile, "Sorry."

He ruffled his own hair in frustration. "I should've brought one with me!"

She snapped her head at him. "What do you mean you should've brought one with you? You sound like you have a stock somewhere. Or, do you?"

"No, I don't. Though back in Canada I always had one in my wallet." He blurted out before realizing what he just admitted.

She looked at him with furrowed brows, her eyes shooting daggers at him and her nostrils flared in anger.

Fuck! Fuck me and my mouth for blabbering carelessly. Now it looks like I'm getting a different kind of steamy night.

"Well I'm sure you can take care of your blue balls." She barked before storming off to her room.

Furious at Taehyung, Roseanne loudly slammed the door to her bedroom.

He hesitantly knocked on the door.

"Rosie . . ."

He knocked a few more times.

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