Chapter 55

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Roseanne lifted her body by propping her elbows against the truck bed floor.

"Did you just . . ." She hissed while looking at Taehyung who was hovering over her.

"What?!" He answered before smiling at her in a conceited manner. "Hon, don't act so coyly now. Don't even dare to pretend that you weren't seducing me earlier when you were driving with that itsy-bitsy skirt wrapped around you."

"Well . . . I kind of was. But I didn't expect you to rip off my newly bought skirt. And that was baby pink. Baby pink!" She cried.

"Ugh! Let's buy you a new one tomorrow. Now let's get on with this." He said before moving downwards to kiss her lips.

But he stopped when she whined, "But that was limited edition."

"Rosie, I'm not going to let you off and give me blue balls again. Let's worry about your skirt later." He groaned.

She rolled her eyes at him. Then she bit her lips and met his gaze.

"Are we really doing this here?" She asked.

"Well, I don't think I can endure an hour drive while I'm already aroused by you. Plus . . ." He paused to run his eyes over her body that was only covered by her undergarments. "We're pretty much ready, aren't we?"

She did the same and smirked while looking at him who was only wearing his boxers.

"Fine!" She grunted before pulling him down to kiss him fervently on the lips.

"Whoa! It's surprising that it was quite easy to convince you this time." He teased.

She giggled before pushing him so they'll swap positions.

"This should shut you up." She whispered, stretching her words while she kept on grinding on him.

She was grinning triumphantly looking at his euphoric figure beneath her. She slid her hands down from his chest to his waist and softly brushed his skin with her fingertips.

"Rosie . . . I swear . . ." He stuttered before he was cut off when she pressed him down by kissing him on the lips.

"This is the part where talking is totally unnecessary." She said in between kisses.

Roseanne became aware of the way Taehyung's hands were roaming all over her body. The cold that she was feeling a minute ago suddenly vanished when her body started feeling hot. She was not in the slightest surprised over the next thing that happened. She was freed of her bra. Then Taehyung swapped their positions once again and took the lead in heating up their night as they made love under the twinkling stars.

... ... ... ... ...

Roseanne was trying to hold back her tears as she gazed at Taehyung's smiling face on her laptop screen.

"Rosie." He called her attention. "We've only been away for less than a day yet you already looked miserable. I'm starting to worry how you'll look in a week."

She sniffed her unshed tears before answering. "I'm fine. I just miss you and I still hate the fact that we'll be spending our first Christmas as a couple away from each other. It would have been better if we could at least spend your birthday together. Now I'll have to wait for you to be back before I can give you your gifts."

He chuckled at her whining. "We've already talked about this, haven't we? And we compromised. I promised to spend it with you next year. I was actually hoping to bring you here with me so you can finally meet my family. But you still need to recover from your recent surgery. So endure it, please?"

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