Chapter 7

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At school the next day, Taehyung declined to continue helping Roseanne in studying her Math lessons. He was bothered about the way Jimin glared at him last night. And he felt that it was still too soon for Jimin to find out about what he truly felt for his sister. So he planned to avoid her in the time being.

For the rest of the week, he tried not to give too much attention to her especially when Jimin was around. It was hard for him but he tried to endure. But he found it most difficult whenever she approaches him first.

“Taehyung-oppa!” She called.

He was walking towards the school gate to meet Jimin and Jungkook. They were planning to play video games at Jungkook’s house to free their minds off their exams next week.

“Oh! Roseanne.” He slowly turned towards her.

“Oppa, be honest with me, have you been avoiding me lately?”

He was taken aback at her direct question. “What?! Is it because I declined to continue helping you with Math?”

“Hmm. I don’t know. Maybe?”

“I already told you why I had to back out. Didn’t I?”

“Yeah. But still . . .”

“I wasn’t. Okay?” Then he reached out to mess her hair up.

She took a step back and glared at him. “Why do you and Jimin-oppa keep doing that? I told you, it’s annoying. Argh!” She combed her hair with her fingers and tried to smoothen it out.

“I’m sorry.” He grinned.

“Whatever. By the way, Jimin-oppa said that you’re all going to Jungkook’s house tonight. That includes you too, right?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Can I come with you?”

“Nah. I don’t think so.”

“Why not?”

“Just because . . .”

“Pfft! Jimin-oppa also said the same thing.”

He chuckled. “If you’ve already talked to Jimin about it, why did you have to ask me? If Jimin said no, I’m sure he actually meant NO.”

“I know. He can be really stubborn sometimes. But I was kind of hoping you can change his mind or something.”

“Oh!”  He heaved a deep sigh.

I was hoping for that too. I’m praying I could change his mind about you.

She shook her head disappointedly at him before running towards the gate. “I’ll try Jungkook.”

When she reached the gate, Jimin and Jungkook were already there.

“Chaeng, I thought you already went home.” Jimin said.

“I had to finish something.” Then she moved towards Jungkook and grabbed his arm. “Jungkookie!!” She hugged his arm with a wide smile glued on her face.

Jimin and Jungkook looked surprised at her unexpected action.

“Kookie-yah.” She whispered.

Jungkook’s face was slowly becoming red in embarrassment.

Taehyung, who just came, was not liking the scene before him.

Did she just give Jungkook a cute nickname? And why is Jungkook blushing so hard? It cannot be what I think it is, right?

“Yah, Chaeyoung! Since when did you start calling him that?” Jimin asked.

“Just now.” She answered sheepishly.

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