Chapter 26

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Taehyung can’t keep the grin off his face while looking at Roseanne who was enjoying her second bowl of kimchi stew.

Yup. She’s definitely not that soft for food. Definitely not.

He failed being discreet with his amusement of her when a soft chuckle left his mouth.

She looked up with a questioning look on her face. “What?”

“Nothing.” He answered.

She went back to her food and slurped her bowl empty.

“That was delicious!” She said.

He reached out to wipe the corners of her mouth with a tissue he prepared beforehand.

“Are you full now?”


“Are you sure? We can still order, if you want.”

“I’m not a glutton, okay? I’m already full.”

He laughed in response. “Let’s go!”

Taehyung drove Roseanne home.

They were just a few blocks from the kimchi stew restaurant when Taehyung felt a burning pain on his stomach. He clutched his stomach as he tried to suppress the pain. He instantly knew what was happening to him because he felt the same kind of pain a month ago. Unfortunately, he did not have any medicine with him right now.

He felt big beads of sweat ran down his forehead when the pain suddenly heightened. He was glad that Roseanne already dozed off a while ago. He did not want to worry her. So he started driving slowly, trying to manage the pain. But he totally stopped driving the next minute when the pain felt unbearable.

He groaned while pressing his stomach with both hands.

Roseanne stirred awaked when she heard Taehyung groan.

She was shocked to see his form. He was bending over while tightly holding his stomach. He was crunching his face tight while his eyes were closed.

“Taehyung-oppa! What’s wrong?” She cried.

He tried to look at her direction but was unable to do so due to the immense pain that he was feeling.

“Oh my God! We need to go to the hospital.”

She unbuckled his seatbelt after doing the same with hers.

“Oppa, I’m going to move you to my seat okay? Please try to move as much as you can because I’m not sure if I can do it by myself.”

He responded with a soft nod.

“Good.” She said.

She opened the door to her side to give her more space to move. Then she gently pulled him to her seat. He tried to help her as much as he can but he knew that his efforts were not enough as he saw her struggle in trying to move him. She huffed a heavy sigh of relief after she succeeded.

Then she closed the door and ran to the driver’s seat.

She was about to start the engine when she realized that they were both not wearing a seatbelt.

“Shit!” She cursed under her breath.

With trembling hands, she fastened Taehyung’s seatbelt and did the same with hers.

She was glad that Taehyung’s car has a navigation system. So she inputted the address of the nearest hospital and drove off.

“Oppa, let me apologize in advance. You are totally worrying me right now. Because of that, I might not be of much help in getting you to the hospital as soon as I should. I’m so sorry. I will try not to get lost. I will really try my best, I swear. Just hold on, okay?” She said while trying to keep her tears from falling.

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