Chapter 53

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“Who was that?” Roseanne asked as she continued drying her hair.

Taehyung answered nonchalantly, “Your brother.”

“WHAT?!” She gasped and stood up quickly.

He eyed her, confused at her reaction. Then he grabbed a shirt from the dresser and put it on.

“Wow! You only thought of dressing up now?” She exclaimed.

Oblivious to the reason behind her reaction, he said, “Well I would have finished dressing earlier if you didn’t ask me to see who came in.”

“I . . . Ugh! Still, you should have worn your shirt before heading out.”

“What’s the matter now? It was just Jimin. It’s not like it was his first time to see me half naked.”

“You’re right. But it was probably his first time to see you half naked with fresh love bites all over your body.” She cried.

He paused to scan his memory then he answered, “Yeah, it was definitely his first time to see me like this.”

“And?!” She asked with frustration evident in her voice.

“And what? This was all your doing.”

Roseanne was unable to respond at Taehyung’s ignorance.

“Why are you even asking me that now? Hon, I perfectly remember what you said earlier. You proudly told me you missed me too much that you won’t be holding back. And I wasn’t in the position to refuse.” He answered with a delighted grin glued on his face.

She looked at him with furrowed brows. Her stare was boring holes on his face.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close to him. “Hon, what’s wrong? I really don’t understand why you’re acting like this.”

She sighed before asking, “Well, did he say anything?”

“No. Now that I think about it, he didn’t even greet me. He only scanned his eyes over my body, probably eyeing my abs.” He proudly said before continuing. “Then he went straight to the kitchen to drink water. I tried to talk to him but he wasn’t answering so I figured he wasn’t in the mood. Do you know why?”

Looking up at him, she tried her best to explain though indirectly.

“Tae let me remind you. It is my brother we are talking about, Jimin-oppa.”

“Of course I am well aware of that.”

“And we were also talking about how you went out to greet my brother, Jimin-oppa, half naked with your upper body exposed.”

“Um . . . Oh, you mean . . .”

“YES! Gosh, that’s exactly what I mean.” She cried.

“Don’t worry about it. He didn’t say anything at all. I swear.”

He patted her head for assurance.

“Which is why I’m more worried. A nagging Jimin-oppa when angry is actually better than a quiet one. When he’s silent, it only meant that we are about to be reprimanded for real the moment we walk out of that door.” Roseanne answered while looking at her bedroom door.

He tried to comfort her with his soothing voice when he responded.

“Like I said, don’t worry about it. We weren’t doing anything wrong. Besides, we are responsible adults who know what we are doing. And there’s the two of us while there’s only him. So let’s do this together.”

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