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It’s been four years since Taehyung and Roseanne had been in a relationship. A lot of things happened since then.

Roseanne graduated from her master’s degree and she was already working full time in the university. Taehyung got promoted at work. And Jimin got married to Seulgi two years ago.

Also, two years ago Roseanne moved out of her apartment to live with Taehyung. She would have moved out sooner only if Jimin wasn’t such a hindrance. He had to get married before he finally gave Roseanne and Taehyung the green light.

In two weeks, Roseanne’s senior students would be receiving their diplomas so Roseanne had lots to do. On top of that, Roseanne had a meeting almost every night to help finalize the wedding preparations for Jungkook and Lisa’s wedding on the weekend. Meanwhile, Taehyung had been away for two days to attend his uncle and aunt’s silver wedding anniversary in Daegu. Roseanne would have gone with him if only she did not have prior commitments.

Taehyung just reached home from his flight when he received a call from Roseanne.

“Yes, I just got home safe and sound. No, I haven’t taken lunch yet. But I already saw the food that you cooked for me. Thanks Hon! I knew you were busy so I appreciate it that you still spared time to prepare this for me. Love ya!” Taehyung said.

“Well, I’m pretty sure that was the longest ‘hello’ I ever heard.” Roseanne chuckled. “But you sound weird, are you sick?”

“Yeah, I think I have flu. Don’t worry though, I have already taken my meds. And I told my superior that I will be taking the rest of the week off so that I can have a proper rest and get better before Jungkook and Lisa’s wedding. Oh, why do I have to attend two weddings in a week? Hmm.”

“Alright. It’s good to know that you’re taking care of yourself. Just reheat the food and I’ll try my best to get home early tonight. But I don’t think I can eat dinner with you because Lisa and I have a meeting with the florist later. Sorry.”

“It’s fine. I understand.”

“Now I really need to go to my next class. Take care, Tae. I love you!”

“I love you.”

A few hours later, Roseanne was in a café with Lisa and the florist. Being Lisa’s maid of honour, Roseanne promised to help Lisa in every step of the way. They gave up involving Jungkook because the man did nothing but agree to whatever Lisa decided upon.

But Roseanne began zoning out in the middle of the meeting. Lisa noticed but she brushed it off until she could no longer ignore her friend’s odd behaviour.

“Chaeng, what’s wrong?” Lisa asked when the florist left to go to the restroom.

“Huh? It’s nothing. I’m just . . .”

“You know that I know that it’s not nothing so spill.”

Roseanne groaned before answering. “Taehyung got back from Daegu today and he told me that he has flu. I’m just a bit worried because I couldn’t contact him since afternoon. He’s probably sleeping and maybe his phone was turned off. And I know everything’s fine but I can’t help worrying.”

“Then go.”


“I said go home so that you can know for sure how he is doing.”

“But . . .”

“I totally understand how you feel. I’d be feeling the same if Jungkook was the one who’s sick.”

Roseanne smiled at Lisa before giving her a tight embrace.

“Thank you.” She whispered into Lisa’s ear before letting go. “But don’t hesitate to contact me if you need my opinion on anything, alright?”

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