Chapter 54

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Roseanne sneakily came inside Taehyung’s room. She came to his apartment early in the morning to prepare breakfast for him. She went to open the curtains. After doing so, the sunlight seeped through and illuminated the entire room. In the next minute, Taehyung’s eyes started flickering before he was woken up.

Upon opening his eyes, Taehyung was welcomed with a lovely site of Roseanne standing by the window wearing a warm smile on her face. He smiled back at her while observing her carefully.

“What?” She giggled while standing with her hands on her hips.

“Be honest with me, am I in heaven now? Because I’m awakened by such a heavenly site and I couldn’t think of any other reason.” He answered with his raspy voice.

She grinned at him before sprinting towards the bed. Then she giddily jumped on him whose hug was already waiting for her. He was a bit surprised by the impact but nevertheless he was comfortable with having her in his embrace.

“Hmmm. That was not expected considering that we just saw each other last night. But I didn’t mind. In fact, I am pleased.”

“I’d be disappointed if you weren’t.” She answered while looking up to meet his gaze.

Then she got up and pulled him up next. She asked him to take a quick shower and follow her to the kitchen.

The table was already set when Taehyung came to the kitchen. But he furrowed his brows at seeing only one set of utensils prepared.

“You have another performance for me?” Taehyung asked.

“No, I have none this time.” She answered while shaking her head at him. “But I have something to tell you so take a seat already.”

Roseanne had just woken up. She was smiling brightly while thinking of the plans she had for her date with Taehyung later. She was a bit anxious but she was more optimistic that Taehyung will have fun. Then she freshened up a bit before running to her brother’s room.

“Oppa!” She called while knocking unceasingly on the door. “Oppa! Open up. I already told you last night . . .”

“Yeah, I remember what we talked about last night. Now keep quiet before you wake Eomma and Appa as well.” Jimin grumbled after opening the door for Roseanne.

She grinned before speaking. “Good morning to my handsome brother, Jimin-oppa! What do you want for breakfast?”

“Pfft! You’re only being like this because you’re asking me a favour.” He grimaced and walked to his bathroom.

Roseanne stayed by the door to his bathroom while talking.

“Oppa, you’re always thinking the worst of me.” She whined.

When Jimin opened the door, he took a step back in surprise at meeting Roseanne’s face.

“Oh my God! What are you doing there?” He shrieked.

“I was waiting for you.” She answered casually, oblivious to his reaction just now.

“That was rather obvious. But you almost gave me a heart attack. Don’t do that again!” He explained while making exaggerated gestures.

“Why would I . . .”

“I wonder what Taehyung actually sees in you.” He clucked his tongue before continuing. “Just seeing your face first thing in the morning is already repulsing.”

“Uh . . . Oppa!” She cried. “You’re so mean. Why would you say that? I hate you!”

Jimin turned around to stick his tongue out before running outside his room. Roseanne ran after him and jumped on his back.

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